Just an American willing to kick the crap outta the asshats that sold our country to the highest bidder
But the AHA, and AMA-associated and approved site, is full of liars and murders just like the dental ADA (fluoride, mercury in amalgam) and all others like them (FDA, CDC and more). That twitter has attached such a label to AHA post goes to Prove my point - that artificial ignorance (AI) is not as effective as natural ignorance against such mistakes .... But the imported militant Hindu cadre over there are too busy praying to that weird thing on the wall to take notice. So much for the myth of IT savviness - as long as those fiat currency payroll drops keep running, the cadre dances the dance of AI itself. Another short rant from the farm would not be complete without my calling once again for the return to silver coins, standard weight (Books of Moses, wise national laws, fiat currency impossible under such an orderly state of things, we are "doing it" already locally in parts of Kansas).