Pubius Publicola
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“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
So you are saying that either:
1. Trump family/Ivanka was initially oblivious to Kushner evil
2. That they entered into this marriage to keep enemies closer (conversion, marriage and children no less) with Ivanka used as a pawn/bait in a game with the Cabal.
3. That they knew he was evil and and Ivanka sided with her husband over her Family.
None of that really makes much sense, especially with the pardon Trump gave to Father Kushner.
I'm open to anything because truth is stranger than fiction. But the problem is if Kushner is gone, there is now a replacement which means it will never be publicly recongized that he's gone.
How's Fake Gaetz doing?

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
These were Mueller indictments against the family which were used as leverage

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
no ring because you cannot see the relevant finger...

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
These pictures are like 10 years apart....
The only difference I can see is age and no dipples.
But of course his dipples are showing on the left because, well, he's smiling.
I don't see any kind of proof here that these are two different pics and I will trust that Ghostezra is involved in a WhiteHat disinfo campaign.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
She didn't just marry him, she converted and had his children.
Why? His family background was there for all to see.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
What I saw is that when cops shot blacks they film a women crying over it, but when blacks shoot blacks is just a number on the nightly news.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
This message is for Normies not us...

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Just Remember GhostEzra told you Matt Gaetz was a POS.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Greenberg takes sex-trafficking plea deal. I guess he just rolled on POS Gaetz to get a lighter sentence.
Matt Gaetz associate to take plea deal in sex trafficking case: lawyers
Joel Greenberg, an associate of embattled GOP congressman Matt Gaetz, is expected to take a plea deal in his own sex trafficking case -- and cooperate with federal authorities, according to reports Thursday.
“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
look through the posts, when congress was real.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
have you guys already forgotten that ghostezra said desantis was a pos like gaetz, n he got so fat because he was replaced by an actor? maybe Trump is in there playing desantis.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
I've become increasingly weary that there is not going to be any "Big Reveal" where everything is exposed.
We only get to "know" privately through Q and of course its easy for people to say you have no proof of what you think is happening, because the proof is either not their or not good enough.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
I've been feeling the same way since Ghost Ezra started suggesting that all these people are already dead and the White Hats are showing us a moving in which actors have been elected to positions in our government.
To me that's profoundly unconstitutional No. 1 and No. 2 it suggests they don't have faith in the people to handle the truth.
If that is so, you can still kiss the republic good bye.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Not to be rude, but are you like the personal apologist for Ghost?
I've followed everyone of his posts since he appeared on Parler, then Gab and now here.
I've wanted to believe what he's been saying but I also notice that he's suggest things with misleading posts that were simply not true. Furthermore instead of cultivating critical thinking with his following, he posts and we are simply to believe.
You have no clue if this guy is or is connected with Ezra Cohen Watnick, which was most people's initial assumptions including myself.
Even if this guy is a good guy, which I honestly don't know, this for me is not what the good guys should be doing. Its how you put people to sleep, only with a different tune than the DS.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
The Ghost vanished, first from Gab and now from Anon up.
Leaving all of us who thought we'd ffound an oasis of information thirsty.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Where's the "disinformation" is he not really going to the event?
If Gaetz was involved with child trafficking Trump would not defend him or have him at such an event. But I'm sure if you take a quote of the Art of War or a Q post you can make it all make sense.
And I've followed every Q post...
Sometimes Ockham's Razor applies.
I'm threatening GE because I'm demanding he back up his claims?
Sure, I must have scared him off.
You have no clue who this guy is or the validity of anything he says.
In the last few months since he has been here he's insinuated a number of things that were just plain false.
So you believe the earth is flat and there is a crystal firmament which prevented NASA from getting to the moon? Go look at the posts yourself, I have and very carefully.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Putin has had plastic surgery and botox repeatedly over the years. We've seen these changes for over a decade.
The head structure is the same, with alot of tighening, aging and surgery going on.
People it's time you wise up. Ghostezra posts this shit and y'all eat it up in amazment.
"OMG Totally! Its all a movie! Popcorn! Enjoy the show!"
I don't know what kind of anons are here but I'm increasingly stunned at how readily y'all are to eat this stuff up without evidence, on the authority of a person you'd like to think is Ezra Cohen Watnick.
The anons I first encounted "following" Q were skeptics and rationalists whose point of view was rooted in evidence. They didn't accept innuendo as Truth.
I see that many here never learned the primary lesson of critical thinking from Q which promoted the motto:
"Think for yourself!"
That means YOU CHOSE what you think is true and false rather than displacing that decision onto someone with supposed authority.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Look at these pictures carefully... are they really that different, look at the facial structure, its the same dam person

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
So DJT now refutes the story that that Gaetz ever came to him for a pardon.
Dude you are full of crap. Either Gaetz is Gaetz and he's not guilty of anything OR he was a POS he's been replaced but the replacement will simply advance his career as Gaetz and the crimes the real Gaetz committed will never be exposed.
Either option sucks for you.
You've been peddling shit for months without backing it up in any way.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Why would Trump let Gaetz into a MAGA event at Trump Doral if Gaetz is a POS???
I'd like to know...?
And please don't tell us: "Oh, well this is the M. Gaetz actor and he's a patriot."
If that's the case it means we'll never see justice metted out on the POS real Gaetz and all of this is, not a show or a movie, but a Big Lie.
Or, you are just full of shit.
If the Patriots are in control and running this movie, it means there will be no big reveal. We've already been given the reveal we are going to get. The ending is not for everyone because you guys aren't serious about exposing the truth.
You called out DeSantis too but didn't bother providing even the slightest bit of content to that.
Credible people don't make those kinds of claims without backing them up, if they cannot back them up publicly for whatever reason, they don't make them.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Incoming: Where's Hunter does CGI interview talking about smoking parmesan cheese that he found on the carpet thinking it was crack.
Deep Fake Interview:

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Is he calling about the Matt G. extortion plot?

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Lovely, but at the end of the day this is just a commerical.
Everything we've every been told by you are Q has tons of plausbile deniablity to it.
Its all innuendo with no beef.
Where's the fucking beef? Hard facts that the world will not be able to look aware from?
We've been left to accept mere innuendo for evidence.
Its no suprise the world sleeps, it's because they cannot possibly know better. It's not just that they don't pay attention, its that when they do they need conclusive evidence, which is never forthcoming.
Who is going to build their life, real and mental, around innuendo like this commercial. I'm not. I can't. We can say that its double cute by telling the truth (if this is true, could be) in a commercial presented as jest, but at the end of the day it's still just a commercial.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
you told us HRC was arrested on 9/11/2016, b4 Trump was even elected...

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
And why wouldn't we have believed it? What was the alterative evidence/point of view that would have permitted a different conclusion?
Start producing the goods or stop making the claims.
Have you figured at that no one here will accept what you say based on your supposed authority.
We have no clue who you are. Problem is you present yourself as an insider w/ special knowledge we can't possible have.
Not sure who u r but I can tell you that Q never spoke this way.
Q seems strategically designed to place authority in evidence and the truth rather than the speaker.
I'm a Socratic. When I don't have the evidence "I know that I do not know and cannot know."
I don't think you've learned well the lesson.
You act like a smug elite who has been removed from ordinary life with ordinary people for some time.
Like HRC not driving a car for decades or H.W. not knowing how a grocery scanner works.
We trust people who put their pants on one leg at a

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
So a fake Ron DeSantis ran for governor in FL.
You call that By the Book?????
And here we are complaining about Communists/Satanists stealing the 2020 election and we've had numerous doubles run for office under the pretext they are someone else.
Total fraud.
Criminal. Unconstitutional.
The American people are just caught between a bunch of feuding elites who, because they have the power do whatever they want.
You simply can trust no one who has that much more power than you do because at that point you're wishing their motives are pure and their motives is the only line between you and then. If they change their mind they can squish you like a grape.
And you come here to social media as Hermes to rely a few crumbs and much disinformation from Mt. Olympus.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Also why pump up the profile of the actor Gaetz so much? Just wrote a book and is on Bannon regularly?
Obviously if he is an actor, Bannon knows this.
Why was Gaetz take down concealled? He's not Obama.
Unlike Communist Dems if we (Conservative/Constitutionalists/Patriots) discover that someone we thought we loved is crooked, we have no problem saying "equal justice under the law."
For us its not about party, but patriotism, the Constitution and the rule of law.
Taking Gaetz down publicly would have given Trump much credibility in cleaning the swamp. But now Gaetz is being "attacked" by the Bidan admin, so many naturally think its political...
Especially because the case was leaked by the DOJ/FBI, to the NYSlimes no less. That's not how justice works.
And of course the MSM is hammering Q followers because we are supposed to be against Sex trafficking but now we are "protecting our own" tribalistically.
The White Hats are leaving Q supporters to hang out to

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
So how will the actor be indicted?

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
Electric power can be broadcast. Its called radio.
Free? Free? Maybe superabundant but "free" energy defies the laws of cause and effect on which scientific inquiry and we suppose nature are based.
Free energy is a miracle and a miracle is by definition a violation of the laws of nature.

“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
If it was about relative density, things would not fall at the same rate ignoring variable wind resistance, 9.8ms2...
Things of different densities would not fall at the same rate.