Cate Freeman
@NellieNattiveNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

thanks for the heads up


never gets old

I read Mar Lar go is where the winter WH is located

it also protects the body. Sunlight and Tanning beds are good non synthetic ways to acquire it.

Buy Kefir and keep your good bacteria renewed. That's where your health is, in good flora. The latest stunt for a shot is getting bad reviews. It puts antibodies in you but blocks a multitude of your own highly beneficial immune Macrophages that gobble up a larger variety of infectious genes, bugs, whatever. Don't be deceived god knew what he was doing.

Amen, Dr Mercola is tops

How can they be so niave, Vit.D is great in tanning beds. They flat out LIED when they said it was bad for us. It prevents many many problems in the body. I hope my friends hear me!!

get her butt

thank you for posting

He's a pedo and calling out Rusdia lol

I hope he gets his own channel soon Lias or Linda Boothe had a conversation with him on Podcast apple 3 days ago. He talked about the border and the details of what Biden is doing. So its all fake?

I Know your nearby and I pray this boarder bs is a hologram

The HR 5 Must be appealed

A black mask habors the most bacteria and ink. odd choice to be sure. That's why athletes wear white

I thought he was Muslim he sure looks like it. maybe doesn't practice