For Love of Country
1 year ago

For Love of Country

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Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I am so sorry you are going through this. I found out 2 and a half weeks ago that my beloved cat had cancer. He had been with me through so many really hard struggles over the years, and he and I were so bonded. I have had so many animals during my lifetime, but this little guy was something else, truly such a beautiful soul.

I could share the nightmare I went through in great detail, but I won’t. One thing I would like to share is that I kept putting off euthanizing him because it seemded he was well enough to still purr and be near me. This was a mistake. I made the appointment, but could not have it done for over 36 hours based on availability. His pain suddenly became so severe about 24 hours before the appointment. My angel ended up dying in horrible pain, and it was horrific to watch. I lost him this past Wednesday.

Please do not wait to make the appointment, like I did, and I regret it. I will pray for you and your beloved dog. Your baby knows how much you love her.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Thank you for those words tonight. I needed them. I have been through serious hell the last few years. My strenght has really wavered, so thank you so much for those words of encouragement.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

I agree with that. I do know, however, that I have never looked the other way, and I have always stood up to what was wrong and stood up for what was right, and it often got me shot in the foot. I really want to serve others and find the path that God wants me on, so that I can do that.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

I am praying for both of you. I am so sorry your friend is hurting. I understand that pain. I was in an abusive relationship many years ago, and it changes you. It makes you feel as though you have no options. I also understand the bond with an animal during that time. Animals are amazing, and they have love and compassion and a soul connection that many do not understand. I cannot do much, but offer a line of communitction if it can help. Please let me know, and if either of you would like to reach out, I can give my phone or e-mail info, privately please.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Moira Ronain to her Publication

Yes, I agree with you. We all need to do our part. I was not trying to be an example, or to cause a scene, or anything. I love this country and want to stand up for what is right, and right now, until the FBI is done with me, and after I serve the time they want me to serve, I cannot do anything.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

Do you think that people who are not willing to take arms and take out the tyrants are just about self-preservation? I don’t. I think many of us want to find the best path for us to be of service to others.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Manny Questions to his Publication

Thank you. Yes, during this process my faith has grown tremendously, and it has made me stronger. I know that whatever I face, with God, I can get through anything.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Manny Questions to his Publication

Thank you very much. I was their with a friend, and as we got closer to the back of the Capitol, we got separated. There were so many people there. The phones didn’t work, the signals were all locked up. I was separated from my friend for over 2 hours and tried calling over and over again, and I couldn’t get through. After about 2 hours, standing in the same place but trying to call and call her, then everything broke loose. The DC police just started firing on the crowds and tear gassing everyone. It was awful and terrifying.
Thank you for your prayers. There are so many that are facing much worse than me, many of whom are still rotting in jail who need our prayers too. I pray for them every day. I do pray that God will intervene and expose the truth about all of it.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

Do you not have children, a wife, or other family that love you and depend on you? For me, I guess if it were just me, I would probably feel the same way, but I couldn’t do that to my family.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response micky ray to his Publication

I know, but how many people’s lives need to be destroyed in the process? I am thankful I am not rotting in a DC prison right now, believe me, very thankful. However, the FBI is accomplishing their mission—-trying to silence anyone who is a patriot and scaring the shit out us.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

I think many people think they would, but when you are blindsided and don’t expect it, what then? Do you always carry a firearm? Also, when the FBI shows up, they usually show up in civilian clothes and approach in a very non-threatening manner…just to keep you off-guard and not expecting what they are about to do.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Moira Ronain to her Publication

Well, on Jan. 6th, I showed up in DC to listen to President Trump speak, and to hope that Pence would do the right thing and decertify the stolen election. I then walked to the Capitol, along with thousands and thousands of other people. I stood outside the Capitol, had rubber bullets fired at me and was tear gassed twice. For that, I was arrested and am dealing with massive legal bills and the FBI wants me to serve serious time in prison. Now I am on a terrorist watch list and have a probation officer. A lot of good standing up for my country did me. I have been informed that I can no longer attend any “protest” or any political events or I can be arrested again. We are living in a fucking banana republic.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

Well, the FBI is a modern day gestapo, and they watch and plan for these arrests and they catch people off guard. Once you have been arrested by them, they have you, and you are dealing with a system so corrupt and evil, it’s disgusting.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Moira Ronain to her Publication

I understand that, but how much longer can this shit show go on, with the entire country suffering more and more by the day?

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

I understand that, but so do you think they deserve to rot in jail because our government is so corrupt and none of them can get their shit together? Should they just be collateral damage?

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

What about the Jan. 6th political prisoners? Are they not worth saving? There are people still in solitary confinement. How is it right that they should be pawns and victims in this shit show?

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

And McCarthy will do nothing to expose the Jan. 6th set up! This whole thing is sickening!

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Patriotic Realtor to her Publication

Yes, but why on earth would Trump support this RINO who is completely in the back pocket of Zelenzky, Mr. Money Launderer in Chief? The thought of McCarthy being Speaker makes me sick! I do not trust that guy at all.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

I am very sorry for your situation. My daughter’s godmother, behind my back, manipulated and coerced my daughter to get the jab a year and a half ago. I only found out about it in February of this year. My daughter has been sick again and again ever since, and she regrets it so much. I still do not know how to not be furious with her godmother, who used to be one of my closest friends… that is over.
I do not know what needs to happen to stop all of this insanity. People are still lining up to get boosters. I am hoping and praying for a major wake up call to really shake these idiots awake! Enough is enough!

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Alexis Hightower to her Publication

I was just going to comment about his red shoes, and then I saw your post. Evil scum!

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Alexis Hightower to her Publication

I was just going to comment about his red shoes, and then I saw your post. Evil scum!

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response walker Fast to his Publication


Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Beverly Hayes to her Publication


Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

Me too. I think we are all ready for some posititve news. If it’s just more of the same, there will be no change, and will will just be dealing with more stolen elections, and no real investigations into anything.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

I don’t have a lot of hope in the GOP doing anything. They have been utterly useless, with the exception of just a few.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication

I am so sorry for your loss. I pray God may lift you up during this horribly difficult time. God loves you, and He is with you, even when you feel alone, He is there. I pray you feel His loving arms wrapped around you during this difficult time. Please know, there are many good people who are willing and ready to be your friend, and a shoulder to cry on, even if we have not met before.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Julie Anaya to her Publication

I am so thankful my husband and I both did indepentent research on the jabs, and we both realized how dangerous they are. I cannot imagine being in your shoes….it must be so hard to be on opposite sides of this in a marriage.

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Neanderthal S27 to his Publication

These people are SICK!!!!! Why are there so many of these disgusting evil perverts?????? 🤬🤮

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I am truly grateful. My daughter who abused drugs during Covid plandemic is sober, she is back to herself. My father, who is dying from vascular dementia, is surrounded by family who loves him. He is dying, but we have all been able to be there for him. I was arrested by the FBI on September 23rd, 2022, because I was at the Capitol on Jan. 6th. The FBI wants me to do 3 years in prison. I did nothing wrong. I caused no harm, no incitelful behavior, nothing.But they want me to serve serious time. I am blessed because I am not serving time right now and I am able to honor my father. God is Good!

Mom, wife, patriot, Christian, immigrant. I will not give up on Trump—- he is still my President.

In response George Edmiston to his Publication

Thank you. I pray God blesses you for your kindness.