Oh, look, another Qanon pathetic idiot killed their own kids. You f'n Q clowns on this site are complicit in these murders. Every one of those Qidiots who radicalize these mentally unstable people are complicit.
California dad killed his kids over QAnon and 'serpent DNA' conspiracy theories, feds claim
A California surfing school owner was charged with killing his two children in Mexico over conspiracy theory beliefs.
Since when do leftists care about kids? They love to abort them and force them to wear masks all day, torturing them and causing them to have infections from breathing their own exhale all day long why all the concern for them now. And Q hasn't posted in 8 months.

Preach Earnest. You tell 'em. The hypocrisy and conspiracy crap is your way of preaching the fiction, which you pretend is truth, so other chuds will believe and follow. You preach Earnest T, you preach like the black and white TV shows you reference in your name, believe in the past when the present has passed you by so prolifically.