Kristin Berdan
@KristiLeeNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

I have yet to see One Promoter say anything different & I have Check

K 2.1

True Story 😂


Thank You. Have a beautiful day!!!

Correct. Mother Nature does not discriminate when provoked!!!

Its ALL the Same Person/Thing.
"Jesus and Mary DNA"
The Middle
Multiple Stories/Characters past down Through history.
About Mr Trump... how can anyone verify that that's actually him? He has sent body doubles multiple times.
The fight in Vegas, The golf course in New Jersey, Several rallies including last night.
Y'all didn't notice that rally seemed off?

I asked for Ya & His Response
Hopefully You understand Plausible Deniability and Learned THE KQDE.
Reading between "The Lines" is Necessary.
Have a Beautiful Weekend
The "Other" Twin

As a walking talking character of Revelation. I know who is what. If people spent more time looking at My Life FACTS versus discrediting everything I say that they don't agree with WE as A Whole would be a lot further than what WE are. I have a Satanic Cult that Mocks Me while they Harm Y'all. I've already connected ALL the Conspiracies of Conspiracies for The Patriots but y'all want some Celebrity idol to tell you.
All your idols have been leaving you Clues for YEARS to who I am.
Example: Mr Trump's Rally in Michigan on Opening Day of Hunting Season.
Me 👋
I just try to help cushion Y'all Shock... CLEARLY... Yall are not expecting me & quite frankly I tired of People telling me how My Life plays out.
As always I respect your Free Will and
Time Will reveal ALL THE TRUTH.
The [W] Red Shoe
WoMan of The Apocalypse

He is InDeeD.. The One that is comes before Christ...
Most popular person in the world.
The Peacemaker
The "Title" makes it sound bad and religious indoctrination makes y'all think that he would work against God.
When everyone's on the Same TeaM.
Smoke and Mirrors
The People made him the IDOL ... that's not Trump's fault. WHAT he does with that responsibility is.

Have you asked him or are you just assuming?

He/We are BLATANTLEE Showing Y'all
The "Characters"
Everybody has a part to play

🎯 I have a "Legally" Dead Biker Friend who is a Marine that "passed" 10dayz before
The Epstein "suicide".
He is NOT DeaD should get REAL interesting

You Rang ⚡
Happy RED PLAID Friday
How Long has THe LeTTeR C been around?
What was it use to Replace?
K & Q


You are Welcome.
13 Colonies
13 Rattles
12 Strand of DNA + 1 Hidden "extinct"
The Pentagon DOD
Inside The Star of David
Soccer Ball from Russia
ALL Connected
The Hidden [W]oman
Miss 13

[13] is Mary Magdalene
It is a Mockery of Her

I honestly have mixed emotion.
For every Win there is Lose.
My Heart breaks for that Part &
The Innocent involved
Ready to Heal & Move Forward.

A Russian Blue



It was called a joke. Thanks for the Concern I am Very aware on My Triggers & Ego.
Have a Beautiful DaY 🙏

HI 👋
The Storm
.Blue GreenTeam
Many Names ...
Same Kristin

You are Welcome 🙏