Kay Cee
1 year ago

Kay Cee

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In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

The Level 2021 video sparked my interest in the flat earth idea too. I don't have the answers but started researching. I found an interesting video on Youtube last night titled LHFE 1:7. It's posted by Ewaranon and is 1 hour and 38 minutes long. If you skip to the 1 hr and 20 min. mark and watch a few minutes, they explain an interesting idea about more land most don't know about. This could be what Adm. Byrd was talking about and would give a reason the elites would want to hide it from us. It would also explain ice ages and lost continents. After watching a few minutes described above, you'll want to watch the whole thing. This video is part of a series and is the seventh video.

In response Melanie Rieger to her Publication
LHFE 1:7 - YouTube

A huge thank you to the two people who have brought me closer to the center.@Vibes of Cosmos @FlatFact

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication


Holy Crap, I happened to stumble onto the last video in this series above yesterday about the flat earth idea. I liked the ideas presented so much that I went back and watched the first four videos in the series tonight. You will want to watch this whole seven video series. The fourth video talks about free energy and the grand cathedrals and castles from the past being old power stations. Our history isn't as it's been presented. Whoever put this together knows stuff, and it makes sense.

First video is linked above.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

Let me delve a little deeper. What do you get if you are the CIA and you start a talent agency in the 1970s?
1. You get to pick Americas next hot singers, actors, songs and movies and shape the narrative through them.
2. You get to shape who is soon to be MSM reporters and anchors.
3. You get these people to blackmail eachother and give you the tapes.
4. You get black ops money from all of the above.
5. You create the perfect spy X THOUSANDS.
6. You create partner agencies that go into sports and politics
7. You become a world wide company who does the above in every country.
8. You control every aspect of how people think and feel.
You become https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Artists_Agency

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

How do you get people to commit False Flags or become BLM/Antifa diehards? You grow them on the farm.

Cabal psychiatrists all over America search for the severely emotionally disturbed. targets are told that if they participate in a trial they will get all their medical care free from some of the best in the field along with a small amount of money. Targets are told it is an experimental treatment for only special people but it is guaranteed to make them absolutely normal. The two biggest things that a person with mental illness longs for, to be special and normal. Once the paper work is signed they are put through a living hell "for their own good" and come out the other end either believing they are the chosen to usher in a new world or so devoutly loyal to those that "fixed" them that they will do nearly anything and believe what they are told. They are then shipped around the country. This has a name everyone knows, it is just another version of MK Ultra. The bastards are evil.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.

How do you catch Obama and all of his lackeys without them even knowing what's coming?

It's my belief Obama never finished his second term and possibly never even started it. Hear me out. While Congress may not have been aware that Obama was dirty (KEK) you can bet the military sure did. Before he could throw America to the wolves the military picked up the real Obama and replaced him with a fake. The fake was wired to the real Obama so that he could relay intel. (Remember how he said that he wishes he could be connected by mic to someone who would speak for him while he sat in the basement?)(POTUS is 100% insulated-Q) The fake finished his term and Trump came into play. Trump shows up in SA, spills the goods and gives an ultimatum. He leaves, Obama shows up and finds out who's planning to betray Trump. Trump comes back and puts the hammer down on all traitors by turning them in to their own countries leaders. Not only does his kill the swamp but he makes valuable allies. See pics