Katie Keisling
4 years ago

Katie Keisling

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WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

GEORGE will be hosting us tonight if you feel like chatting ☺️

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Alchemist, psyChic, Sense8, exorcist. WWG1WGA

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

Nana wants one of these T-shirts to
go with my " I told Ya So" one

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Sunday Scripture 🙏🏻✝️💗

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Sunday Scripture 🙏🏻✝️💗

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Anyone find it odd we've had more shootings in the last month then the whole time Trump was in office... 🤔

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Sunday Scripture 🙏🏻✝️💗

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC


Patriot, Conservative, WWG1WGA, Q Follower, Qanon, Constant Alumni of the Twitter Jail Club.

Google is busy putting blocks in place to prevent access to Anonup. Something about hackers having my security and login information then it asked what month and day it was then permitted me to gain access. I guess they know their time is limited.

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Sunday Scripture 🙏🏻✝️💗

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Sunday Scripture 🙏🏻✝️💗

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Sunday Scripture 🙏🏻✝️💗


WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

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WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

RIP Rush
You will be missed 🙏🏻

A reminder to all the digital red pilled soldiers. Our goal is to encourage one another AND to wake up the masses. Don't forget the 2nd goal. We have a lot of red pillers here. That's awesome. Go out there into the world and wake some blue pilled sheep. There's tons on Gab and telegram. Get out of your comfort zone.Then come back to regroup. God woke you up for a reason today. Don't forget it.

Not sold on Parler. Who else?

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Sunday Scripture ❤️✝️🙏🏻

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Sunday Scripture ❤️✝️🙏🏻

Brit with an inquisitive mind from as far back as I can remember. Red-pilled since 9/11 been searching for truth(s) ever since.

WA Deplorable Constitutional Conservative Fully Rely On God WWG1WGA NCSWIC

Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

Know that I have Patriots backs.

If you think we aren't going to come under attack here you got are living in a fairy tale land. Last night on Telegram I experienced the most demonic brute force demonic and disgusting porn attack I've ever seen. 3000k replies with 90% of them beasiality from a dozen in a group attack. The demons will fight, and they will kick and scream. Be prepared, prayed up and mentally ready for battle. Be wise and vigilent, always on guard.

Please JOIN me Gab:@benjamin1978 DM me so I RECOGNIZE you from twitter,FOLLOW you back and BUILDUP BETTER/STRONGER thén EVER BEFORE!👊😎🇺🇸

🇺🇸💥🇺🇸💥🇺🇸💥WE HAVE IT ALL!💥🇺🇸💥🇺🇸💥🇺🇸

Here to be part of the Great Awakening & to support President Trump. Raising awareness on health impacts of wireless microwave radiation.

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

I wondered what happened with this. I hope Cyrus can resubmit.

FYI RFK Jr is challenging the FCC for failing to protect the public from microwave radiation in exisiting tech and proposed (5g) by adhering to outdated guidelines that do not include our children nor any updated scientific evidence.

The Children's Health Defense are raising the alarm on 5g but also on existing tech pumping out layers radiation that we bathe in daily. Our schools are full of it.


Who's experiencing massive trolls today on other platforms? PANIC.