Andrew Journeytime
11 months ago

Andrew Journeytime

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Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response audrey cooke to her Publication

"The Great Awakening"

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response E.T. PHONE HOME to his Publication

Keep them busy and entertained while we steal their everything.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

Contd... Think wars in countries that destroy the remaining ruins. It's not very difficult to piece together more when somebody helps point a few patterns out. Smithsonian burying large skeletons and more out to sea.
Refer to "B" please in the pic below, the longevity of the "modus operandi" is being exposed here. We are being assisted to define an enemy of long duration.
The wording in the picture are decodes by RC from the CJ Close encounter event, where we were all messaged. For all of us that lay outside the secrets being kept, this is as close to looking idirectly at the truth, that anybody can get. This is a gift.
Now compare this ET/TE/ID's script, to that which we now know and have seen on the daily news to see its total accuracy.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

YouTube Name Ommitted
"The "Fingerprints" of the Anunnaki in Southern Africa - COAST TO COAST AM 2021"
Q: How come none of these machines are laying around or left behind?

Data Derivations

A: May be because an organisation is wanting to turn themselves into gods by burying our past technological history, while back engineering UFO crash material to accelerate the technological gap and has an enduring operation in place through all time to achieve this. Keep us dumb, while they use our labours and monies to run their compartmentalised operations. Moon cleanup and Mars cleanup, Antarctic cleanup, before we get there as well. Think recent encouragement to destroy statues in America and elsewhere, which destroys the history.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

This is by no means the end of the decoded pictures or the amazing connected things that have since been discovered. I know some of you may find this difficult but some close encounter events that involve active military people are connected to this data as well. This is one reason why I named my latest account "Journeytime" If you can grasp these things, then perhaps you can also understand that "our creator" looks to be involved here in some capacity. There is much to tell. Consider, 45 knows all this and more. Biggest story of mankind there ever will be perhaps. Hold tight, this may be just the start.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

Here is the message transmission tower crop circle I refer to, There are many messages from one crop circle, and this particular message has an anagram style announcement about Q and his mission, that I am not yet showing here. This shown message below tells of the coming UFO contact in America, and the Binary data above regards a countdown monitored for decades by Dr Drew is very sure to be what this picture message is telling us all about.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

This is the sort of thing, that we study and find are heavily connected to coming events. I found this data a few years ago and made the connection with the "Great Awakening" to our previous studies of "Q" before 4 or 8 chan. We got a linguistic notification that Q was about to broadcast on the Internet via a crop circle that pictured a broadcasting tower. Later that indeed did happen, Are you able to understand the importances and relevances of what this all means yet? Each time I post it is at great risk, so when I am quiet it is to stay below the radar for a time, just like Q, not because there is little to report.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

😉Very Specialised bunch.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Joyce Chandler to her Publication

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response E.T. PHONE HOME to his Publication

The coverup allowed the world to go in bad directions, it allowed the MIC to shield and become out of control, while citizens minds atrophied and became easy to control with the artificialy created guage mark that they were alone in the universe. Vast damages done and may never be properly repaired. A right to be angry and outraged.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

The contract expires soon. We will all be then acting upon a course set by men that are all now dead. The Tic Tac footage appears as the trigger, but I am more convinced that it is because a certain special top secret contract ends and we are on a preset course. Delay asked for, delay over.
Was specialised material also placed by the foreign signee's provided in order to now take this mission forward? Yes, It was placed, learned, found, studied, realised, and is ready to enact by the REAL President of the US.
TICTACS are the same ones making the crop circles where the vast materials were found for open contact to proceed. Think about what that connection means.
Another DT Genius way to signal us and relate things? No coincidences.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Kris Williams to her Publication

LOL, Kris that was supposed to be a conversation starter, I was offering you one explanation as to why people dont share more, and the reason I was pertaining to was that many times there is no response to what many people share. Therefore they may feel like they are on a fruitless pursuit. I used my own example to show a real situation.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Kris Williams to her Publication

Kris, you may have seen me post that I am the sole custodian of the Instructions for 'First Open public Contact' and such, yet I have under a hundred followers. Yet if the MSM or some other trusted guru told people this was important, I would have millions or more followers. Combination of brainwashing and Agnotology perhaps. It becomes a time waste to share if the messages are to dead or blind minds perhaps. Like mixing concrete 1 teaspoon at a time, why do it?

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Emand Lio to his Publication

Nice clear maps, it makes them usable.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication

Always acknowledge those that lost their lives and got you to where you are. The meme wording is rudely ignorant of the shoulders stood upon. Also many older ORIGINAL warriors are key holders that are still alive, crucial to successful missions and very active in this game play, to the point it will collapse without that support. Please be mindful.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

An example was my long list on voter fraud which had an enduring access table and links jump to table which I posted every now and then. This registry of data was an 850 long single tweet stream of themed data on Voter fraud with a quick reference index to any week/day and would have continued, however the threat was seen and the account closed by Twitter before the idea spread to other people and platforms.
It was not much extra work once up to speed and the benefits outweighed the work.
I kept a Notepad record for the database which could be restored at any time, and Notepad uses very few resources and memory space, and is searchable.
I hope others catch on, I see one other this week catching on. You may consider making your headings less obvious by backward writing etc perhaps, and using some other regularly seen defences against censorship. Godspeed.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Karen Lou to her Publication

Linguistic Message reads: "Join accord, rejoice for lord jesus is reborn"

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Just letting you know Martin, we were in a messenger conversation on this platform quite a while ago, near the time when many joined after twitter bans, and you asked a question, I was not able to get back to you, some kind of persistant internal error perhaps. You asked me what I meant by "Presidential Iterations" The answer is the dictionary meaning "the repetition of a process or utterance" Hope that resolves the question. There is a detailed, precise time line record of events to be released later at an appropriate time.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication

Just for Lydia: There are quite a few planes pictured in the data under analysis, I will need some time to get to the real meaning, but a plane and a wink is very interesting. I see you follow, so you will see any new data, if releasable. If I cannot fully release, I sometimes hint. ❤️

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

Reloadin, means emtin happed somewhen.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response audrey cooke to her Publication

Great to see the world waking up to, and rebuking the media tools used to shape their minds.
Overcoming this division tool alone will unite many once seperated by trickery, back to goodwill toward each other.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

Hidden within the chosen base picture, on some of the true boundaries of the accurate graphemes, were placed seemingly purposely {OOPART} pixel artifacts, which were bright coloured pixels in vast contrast to the surrounding image colours as boundary markers. Given previous similar experiences, I am not surprised that this sort of thing is found. This huge challenge was the only real major impasse I can currently see. There was not really any point in going forward without completing this key mission. Most crop circle images since this time are either simpler or clearer. Pictured: a small section of the completed enhancements. Proofs for any controversial sections exists for discussion

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

Some refining may occur with fresh data if any presents itself. The need for the mission of a clear image for this particular crop circle is because for reliable linguistic decoding to occur, that holds such high magnitude implications, the base image needs to be fine in detail, reliable and provable. There is a history to this, you see the last Crop Circle of this sort, predicted many things that are occuring right now in your hourly news stream. Yes, it is that important to have a solid foundation, and although years were lost to poor images, it is best to go forward with enough trust that hours more of work be based upon a trustable foundation. There are also indications that whoever placed that crop circle knew that it would be years before ordinary citizens could reliably obtain an image to decode from anyway, due to techological advancements.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

3. Epson R-D1 (2004). Resolution: 3008 by 2000 pixels (6.01MP). 1. Nikon D3X (2008). Resolution: 6048 by 4032 pixels (24.38MP). but very few perhaps owned the cutting edge camera's which were very expensive if wanting to keep up with the rapidly developing technology. Most hung on until some advancements had happened and there was some kind of great sales deal. Eventually I just gave up on contacting the crop circle photographers in pursuit of what could be obtained openly on the Internet. As technology increased to clarify images through recent years, I stayed on top of the changes as best I could, learned many new programs and put them to use on old poorer images.
Yesterday I completed the photographic mission of some years and the result is for me, a trustable outline of the Crop Circle in key areas.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

I could start to tell you about some of the discoveries made, but A/ it is of a magnitude way outside what many of you are familiar with without the relevant back history. and B/ it is just too dangerous to myself and others that I have to consider, particularly with the levels of censoring and account closures going on. I do not want to place this media place in danger unfairly. I will begin to drop what I can relatively safely, here and on other channels. You guys are doing an awesome job way ahead of of any level of research any of us thought possible years ago, keep doing what you are doing, it is working well, just keep on changing it up/adapting when you need to as you have been doing. Notice I tend to bury the heavier stuff down lower in these long posts, I have other tools as well and you will catch on as you guys always do. I have Just finished a major challenge of years long, so that is why I chose now to be firing up again. 👍

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

For those not aware, i'm a middle aged guy that's been around many years in the fight for awareness and disclosures and are part of a small but potent network of researchers experiencers and scientists contributing to phenomenological matters. We knew about Q, a long while before you guys here. In late 2017 I made an important discovery that resulted in a university type submission of findings, the discovery meant that a stream of information channel was set up with unknown intelligences via crop circles that seem to know a very large bulk of information about what is going on in the world, seems that they have some kind of advanced way of knowing outcomes of the future. This is not as yet majorly related to the Pool posts which seem to also be highly predictive and are proving accurate. What we are finding is that there is a growing network of interconnected things of this type which includes high profile contact experiencers from the military who we are occassionally in touch with.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

One of the reasons, I have not posted much material on phenomenological matters in this space, is that there is a lack of cover fire here for the magnitude and scope of the things I would like to alert to and enter into disclosure discussions. My account on Twitter was closed along with many others even though it was split between anon type and phenomenonological matters, and I have moved over to other accounts with a name change and a mission refinement due to where we are all at with recent outcomes regards the election and censorship etc.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

So my main point today is that there is not much Phenomenological material or accounts on this platform presently, but it matters a lot. There is a reason that Phenomenological accounts are being heavily censored and closed, and the above script may give some clues as to why. We suffered account closures and censoring at high levels years ahead of the anons and Q movement people. In contrast, some people may think that having phenomenological materials alongside anon matters/postings leaves the good work of anon accounts vulnerable to ridicule, but now we all see this has not played out to be true, anons who have purely Q based accounts have faced the same levels of ridicule and methods as seen with phenomenological accounts broadcast on Mainstream medias including TV regularly. This means we are all over target, a potent threat to the hiding of dark activities going on at all levels.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

A key thing here is that if there is any exposure of anything at all labeled as a conspiracy, the scales will rapidly tilt in favor of Justice seekers. This likelyhood will happen because if one conspiracy is true and has been covered up, then the public will soon ask what other conspiracies are also true? This in turn will create a cascade of events leading to full exposure of the criminal activities. Back now to that previosly mentioned heavily entangled world of Political crimes and all things Paranormal? The fact that these two things are heavily entangled matters big time. In many cases the two subject matters UFO Crop CIrcles etc and political criminal networks are handled by and covered up by the same names that many anons are trying to expose. When it all falls apart soon, it will be a natural occurance that the national security of each country will be still protected, meaning some secrets will remain secrets.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

The evils that have infiltrated and Trojaned America and the world to the top of the law system see the threat of them being exposed and are using sociopathic methods to fight back, by projecting their own crimes/violence as done/caused by christians and other ordinary people uniting online by using heavy Mainstream Media cooperation and saturation to the evil agenda. These crime imbalances are plain to witness on TV and other media, but certain people don't see this and this is perhaps yet to be clearly defined as to why not. They seem to believe every lie at face value and place great trust that society is running very close to how the costitution and law defines it should. Others, are those heavily involved in the vast criminal nework, and others still, see all the evils, but just gravitate to and partake in evils at all levels.