Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

Milk Hill Sextant 3 Phases June 21-30 2009
It took nearly 12 Years of solo work for somebody to gather the required data from what may be thousands of sources of information. In Year 2009 a 1000ft long Crop Circle appeared in 3 stages, but the technology of the day had trouble getting clear images in a single above ground shot, The weather in some shots was not ideal, and nobody I contacted said they had any images to help my volunteer mission, whether ground shots or aerial. There were some fantastic clear ground images from boom sticks etc, but for some reason very few and not enough to cover the entire field could be found, Video still shots were a help. So much spare time for years was placed into a search of the Internet for images. Only certain areas were of doubt, and needed proof pictures, but this was a major challenge. Some of my time went into contacting people seeking images, but none were forthcoming.

Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

3. Epson R-D1 (2004). Resolution: 3008 by 2000 pixels (6.01MP). 1. Nikon D3X (2008). Resolution: 6048 by 4032 pixels (24.38MP). but very few perhaps owned the cutting edge camera's which were very expensive if wanting to keep up with the rapidly developing technology. Most hung on until some advancements had happened and there was some kind of great sales deal. Eventually I just gave up on contacting the crop circle photographers in pursuit of what could be obtained openly on the Internet. As technology increased to clarify images through recent years, I stayed on top of the changes as best I could, learned many new programs and put them to use on old poorer images.
Yesterday I completed the photographic mission of some years and the result is for me, a trustable outline of the Crop Circle in key areas.

Some refining may occur with fresh data if any presents itself. The need for the mission of a clear image for this particular crop circle is because for reliable linguistic decoding to occur, that holds such high magnitude implications, the base image needs to be fine in detail, reliable and provable. There is a history to this, you see the last Crop Circle of this sort, predicted many things that are occuring right now in your hourly news stream. Yes, it is that important to have a solid foundation, and although years were lost to poor images, it is best to go forward with enough trust that hours more of work be based upon a trustable foundation. There are also indications that whoever placed that crop circle knew that it would be years before ordinary citizens could reliably obtain an image to decode from anyway, due to techological advancements.

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

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Crop Circle Linguistic Discoveries numerical Encodings. Studied Q years before was on 4ch. Time independent information warehousing. #GCI

In response Andrew Journeytime to his Publication

Hidden within the chosen base picture, on some of the true boundaries of the accurate graphemes, were placed seemingly purposely {OOPART} pixel artifacts, which were bright coloured pixels in vast contrast to the surrounding image colours as boundary markers. Given previous similar experiences, I am not surprised that this sort of thing is found. This huge challenge was the only real major impasse I can currently see. There was not really any point in going forward without completing this key mission. Most crop circle images since this time are either simpler or clearer. Pictured: a small section of the completed enhancements. Proofs for any controversial sections exists for discussion