Gina Cox
@GinamarieNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

and then the government found a way to make money off if it- click it or ticket!

i miss this sh!t so much!

Talking in research code does not help, proofs, evidence and guidance- links- are much more helpful. If there are folks asking an anon for help dont give them more Q- this is why we all sound crazy! Imgaine someone getting pulled into and interview about the Q movement and saying some shit they think is widely known about secrect codes, fix the bread, tidy the ship and a toaster! At this point we need to decode and share what we think things mean- leave it open as none of us really know- add your disclaimer: Do you own reasearch. GIVE THE RED PILL

Praying for you and family. Fight like hell for answers and for your mother!

Think mirror!

Anybody else count them to make sure what you read was correct? Must be the Anon in me ☺️

my thoughts exactly...

What would happen if we all jumped off the hampster wheel for a week? No one comtributing to The Man?

Im sitting here listening to this bullshit and wondering why We The People have not gone completely berserk on these lying, two faced, souless, hypocrite politicians who have seized our jobs, minds, children and constitutional rights for so so so very long. we the oeople need to rise up and say NO MORE.
WAKE UP PEOPLE- IT CAN GET WORSE. We must stop this now! If they can do all of these horrible things when we have a seated president doing all he can to stop them and that isnt enough, all we have left is the military and us, The People!
Fire these POS.


what does this mean for folks who have mortgages?

not sure who the guy is but i think its on his mask as well

This info on Colloidal Silver I buy but there is much more info out there!

you are 100% correct to advocate for this. i took this for an entire year and used it for my pets... best and healthiest id ever felt and my pets skin irritations disipated. had some life changes and let this slip from my daily routine- lits was up ended. I discovered it when it was prescribed for a very very deep puncture wound. did some research on it- was widely used before antibiotics became a big money maker for big pharma!

The virus is a legit thing- its defintly not as scary and deadly as what propaganda would have everyone believe but it is real. I can atest to this. I had it. The smell taste thing is something i had never experienced with the flu so that was the difference- for me. you have to wonder how a manufactured virus can alter your sense of smell and taste. since they are vacinating, i have to believe there is more to it than just dna from the swab- not everyone is getting tested but they want everyone vaccinated. I wonder how the manufactured virus will impact me in the days to come.

tax payer dollars hard at work as usual 🙄

search#gamestop in the search bar and lots comes up