Regina Daly
1 year ago

Regina Daly

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No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Jason scoutt to his Publication

Dont forget who was the face of Subway for 15 yrs!
Jared Fogle, who was convicted of child sex tourism and possession of child pornography!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response David Treciak to his Publication

Hang on to your XRP, to sell now would be at a great loss and only a temporary solution. Push it to the side and don't consider it an option. Look for other solutions. I know the last few yrs has been hard on us all, (financially, physically, mentally, etc). Be very positive in your thoughts. Our brain is like a computer, what we think, is what can happen. Prayers are also positive thoughts. My prayers with you too!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Sorry to hear of your health problems. I too quit my prescription drugs last yr. Many ppl have written some great suggestions for you. Unfortunately many vits/minerals/herbs work great for CHRONIC problems but not necessarily for ACUTE. We are all learning, to stop old habits and start new ones. It is lifestyle changes. You may want to consider returning to your meds temporarily, JUST until crisis passes, and you are able to incorporate some of these great ideas. Maybe start tappering your meds down as these herbs start to work or maybe extend time between doses. These changes (cutting out meat, etc) can ALSO stress your body until you adapt. Don't start too many at once. Pick top couple to work on first. Also find a Homeopath or Naturopath to work on this with you. High BP is serious. We were never taught how to take care of our bodies properly. We are all learning with you! Good Luck, much prayers!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

You and your house are very blessed. Mine, and many others, have to avoid many subjects lest WW3 breaks out! Hopefully soon all families will be at peace.

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Paisley Park to her Publication

My kids over 18 yr. so I had no say, but I tried. I feel for you. Pick your battles carefully, maybe encourage testing instead? Many prayers for you and family.

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Marlene van to her Publication

Remeber we are never alone. God gives great hugs. Merry Christmas!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Ice Kates to her Publication

Glad your health is improving!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response trudy Q17 to her Publication

Sorry for your loss.

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

It sounds like things are rough for you too. I will keep you in my prayers also.

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Melissa Robinson to her Publication

Thanks, prayers for your family too.

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I was born Nov. 22,1963, on an army base!
I have tried so hard to plant the seeds, but even my own family doesn't believe me. Felt off today, sore throat. Just found out my daughter got the booster yesterday, now I know why I feel out of sorts!! Lord give me more strenghth, patience, understanding; and more guidance to do your work.
Could use some extra prayers please.
Big Thanks

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response TRUMP 2024 to his Publication

if you count Hollywood and athletes, we all are guilty of heroism at one time or another. Thankfully many of us have awakened. I hope I can be humble and supportive to my family and friends and limit the "I told you so." There is a reason behind every saying though.
I love "Mother's intuition" and "Mother knows best"

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Ice Kates to her Publication

A mother's love know no bounds!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Q_KingDavid 0o0 to his Publication

God protect those children please, because the parents are not able.

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Sabrina Gal to her Publication

Your timing is impeccable! This goes straight to my heart.

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication


No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

It would be nice if they told a true story.
Article mentions all the unvaxinated who get Co_Id. What about all the vaxxed, who get Co_id.
Lies will only continue to perpetuate the scamdemic belief!
Shame on them for trying to shame young people, (into getting vaxxed).

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response NEO ONE to his Publication


No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Raw News to his Publication

Yes, I have discovered Apps that can't be disabled. They also show usage (battery) yet I have never used them! They definitely spy!!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Patriot Girl to her Publication

I am feeling the same way about small talk. I have to tread lightly around my family or I get lectured or tuned out! Saw your old post about The Leftovers, yes I vaguely can put that with todays happenings. But don't remember enough details, and yes it is hard to follow. Watch DEVS, very eye opening!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response BeBe Cole to her Publication

Thanks for the uplifting words. I needed that today!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

God has protected my family so many times. I think I started to take it for granted. No more, I need to be more thankful.

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

My children always felt left out that they didn't get to go to Disney Word. Soooo glad I didn't take them!!!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Save the Children to her Publication

None of those children look happy!!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Not what YOU missed, what WE missed. We missed YOU. I check in everyday!
Glad you had family time. Everyday is precious.
It's hard to forget the clock is ticking. So much happens everyday. Glad you are back!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Messiah One Is Coming to her Publication

Don't have pets, but believe they are special and innocent. Hope yours and everyone's are protected!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

This is freaky! I am all for going back to flip phones!

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Slightly confused. (Forget that there shouldn't be a message, using Jesus, for vaxx!) Why would the primary message on a statue in Portugal be in english? It should be in portugese, and the lower message in english! Who is planting this stuff?

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response WE MUST FIGHT to his Publication

Someone posted this months ago, but I never knew which season/episode to share with people. Do you know?

No one Just one of 79 million Trump supporters Christian

In response Joyce Chandler to her Publication

With the Bezos I suspected they were hiding 1/2 of their money with her, if he got charged with a crime. Then she "gave" most of it away so it couldn't be confiscated.
But with Gates, haven't they both.........passed?
Their money should already have been confiscated!

What happens to all the minor children when their parents are charged with Crimes against Humanity?!?