Future Lori
3 years ago

Future Lori

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In response SFWhite GodWins to her Publication

This is truly a mystery with Trump's promotion of covid protocols/vaccines and there has not been an explanation put forward that 'covers all the bases" in my view. Even taking into account Game Theory and the like I can't square the circle given the huge outcomes of sickness and death.

I do hope that veil is torn away on this in my lifetime.

In response Rabbit Roulette to her Publication

This is all so much evil in motion! My empathy and sympathy to your family!

In response Rabbit Roulette to her Publication

This is all so much evil in motion! My empathy and sympathy to your family!

In response Cali Warrior to her Publication

😥 indeed! We tried to warn them. We do not discuss with them now because it would be salt in the wound.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

My father in law. Went in hospital with sepsis of unknown origin within 10 days after first vax. Recovered, took second vax and went in hospital with sepsis of unknown origin within 10 days of vax. Recovered again. Since then has had leaky valve and other heart issues. Has no energy and has lost all will to eat and or live. Sits in chair all day. Doctors do not have any treatment plans for him. Before the vax was healthy and golfed and landscaped his own yard.

My mother in law diagnosed with bladder cancer within 6 months of double vax. May or may not be related.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I posted this in 2021. I always was curious about the /8KUNorg extension on their header youtube video. The link no longer works but it did the day I posted it. If you click my Gab post link you will see the box still comes up with George News but page is no longer available.


In response BobbieAnne Drawe to her Publication

Me too. Their first GeorgeNews twitter handle was actually@TheCollectiveQ.

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Experiments conducted in the 1960s accurately foretold this outcome --- because OBEDIENCE. Intriguing and insightful docu drama.


In response Captain Morgan to her Publication

exactly! It is a rape of your immune system.

In response THE REAL SANTINO to his Publication

He posted that on Twitter last night. Now his account is suspended.

In response Lady 4Trump to her Publication

I've been war-gaming this potential adjournment of the legislature out. Is it possible they WILL adjourn prior to results but once the results come out there will be an outcry for Ducey to call special session. Because he is RINO this would make the aftermath "bi-partisan". I believe Ducey is grey hat ... having been forced to play out his evil plans but ultimately he is a puppet of the white hats. Just my thinking ....

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

Required covid tests before traveling to certain destinations foreign and domestic is the NEW licensing scam.

My sister is going to Honduras for a very short trip (one night). She doesn't have insurance so it will cost her $250 for a rapid Covid test so she can travel. If she were staying 12 hrs longer in Hondo she would have to pay for another one before her trip home.

emphasis REPLACING --->

Our movement is about REPLACING a failed and corrupt political establishment with a NEW Government Controlled by You, the AMERICAN PEOPLE.


This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected - YouTube

Donald Trump gives one of his best speeches in his campaign for the Presidential post 2016.Check out our new website: https://enrichingdiversity.com/Facebook...

In response Future Lori to her Publication
In response Future Lori to her Publication

We were TOLD what would be required by Trump in OCT 2016.


In response Sunny Star to her Publication

I agree with You Sunny Star that it is a real possibility [they] could indict and/or arrest Trump BUT I am in agreement with Cathy Eck that this would NOT be a fulfillment of the Q posts relating to the first indictment unseal nor the first arrest.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

I grew up pitying those poor deceived souls in all those other censored countries.

I pray this underground information from your girlfriend is correct.

In response Aus Sco to his Publication

Great point ... these are excellent programs!!

Also if you home school check with community college for dual credit ... in our county the tuition is free to dual credit students.

In response Future Lori to her Publication

I forgot to mention that he only took the additional 15 hours because I asked the Dean what he would gain by getting his associates versus just walking with his school certs. He explained to me that the Associates would allow him to instruct @ $45/classroom hour. Very beneficial 15 hours even though they were the least tradesy ... English 101, College Algebra, Speech, and 2 Humanities.

In response Joyce Chandler to her Publication

My son began pursuing welding certifications via community college Applied Arts program when he was 17. Also began job as welder's helper. With 15 additional hours he was able to get his Associates in Welding Tech at 20 years old. At 21 same college system hired him as adjunct teacher in Welding . He simultaneously maintained his FT job as Welder/Fabricator /Shop Super and took on additional side work. He is now 25 and forming his own LLC with a couple partners because so many large companies are calling them individually for side work and they can no longer pass up the opportunities presented to them on weekly basis.

I started a folder in early 2000's and labeled it College NoGo and filled it with articles as I found them supporting my theory that my husband and I were not doomed to send our 6 kids to 4 year college. He is just one of our success stories. There are so many other ways to "credential" a young adult for gainful employment and/or entrepreneurship.

In response Future Lori to her Publication

I forgot to mention the longer term horizon events are spoken of happening in next 10-20 years . The preparation for these events comes from the near term past and future of cleaning out the global tunnels so that a freed people will be able to make choice to go underground and be cavemen for a season (not sure how many generations???) or remain slaves above ground at the hands of the evil elites who no longer have control/access of the caves/tunnels. and will thereby be the generation(s) that succumb to the 12000 year global disaster.

I am sure many of you have put similar summaries to his posts ... I did these two posts primarily as a landing ground for my own thoughts .

In response Happy Days to his Publication

Since JohnQ/James indicated he will prob not be responding I will attempt to describe how I have synthesized his posts.

"As to what happens next" - Seems that he posts regarding a very short timeline of pivotal events (next year) and his source of that information is taken from experiential knowledge and deductive reasoning.

Intermingled with short time line of events are longer term horizon events that he expects to take place. The source of this knowledge primarily seems to be a ton of research on this subject with additional thought testing that he no doubt as done.

"As to how did we get here" - Seems there is solid look back to the historical record taken from what is commonly referred to as our history, plus what is considered the hidden history (which anons have been exploring and explaining), plus an extra level history taken from his research of future events (future proves past) and a circular repetition of events which go back to caves every 12000 years or so.

In response Bee Saved to his Publication

I have lived in the Dallas area ... some great burbs. Born and raised and currently living NorthWest of Houston.

In response Tammy _74 to her Publication

We all long for the same things. Love Hope Joy Peace Freedom ... amazing things like these! I live in Texas and you would think there are many awake here. There are but mainly because Texas is a big place with lots of people. But I do believe the over all ratio of those awake is not much different than in your corner of the earth rock.

Welcome to AnonUp. I am still on Twitter but receive very little engagement there. This community is quite cool.

In response John Qpublic to his Publication

"When you are being manipulated so intensely by one side the other has no choice but to do the same in the opposite direction."

How long the counter manipulation has been going on I am not aware but I am in awe that I see their counter moves now and rejoice in this new twist to thesis and antithesis.

In response Rickmo Freedom to his Publication

Sorry ... I just went back to see if I could share another way and the posting account is also suspended.

In response Future Lori to her Publication
In response Future Lori to her Publication

His being arrested was practically predictable!

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

YES ... I agree. I do like him and think he is a good guy but as you say MORE than just a good guy. He conveniently isn't available when major proof footage can be obtained.

In response Passing Notes Patriot to her Publication

I want to help but have unintentionally hurt too many people when I have tried to answer this question. Instead may I offer some direction? Consider God's servant Job. Religion has taken most far away from such a simple yet deep relationship with Him. Much can be unlocked by Considering Job. Enjoy!