Fractal Reality
@Fractal_RealityNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

[Mike Pence] ---->#Fooked
[Rod Rosenstein] ----> #Fooked
[Chief Justice Roberts] ----> #Fooked
[Hillary Clinton] ------>#Fooked
[Barack Obama] -->#Fooked
[Joe Biden] ---#Fooked
This is HUGE!!!!
[They] are all are done for . . .
Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts
Exposing Pence, Rosenstein, Roberts, Obama, Clinton -⬇️

I sometimes think "What essay would Gen Flynn want me to write to wake more people up?".
Then I write that essay.

I just published "The relevant expert on liars is… you!"

I am very much aware of how flawed people are called up to perform righteous works. Social media isn't the place to flaunt my flaws, but I definitely have them. It makes me uncomfortable when people put me on a pedestal. My self-compassionate response is to remind myself that we all come "as a package", and you cannot pick and choose only the bits you approve of or like.