F B Jones
3 months ago

F B Jones

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American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Dorothea Dankowski to her Publication

Treasonous traitors, every one of them!

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Kuntuzangpo 1776 to his Publication

Candace is an actress along with many of the people revealing truths. Let’s hope they don’t turn out to be on the wrong side in the end. Pretty sure they are a part of the movie. Broebert, Charlie Kirk, Scott Presler and several more - all belong to the same talent agency as Candace.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication

Most all “women” in women’s sports are not women.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

Unfortunately, they won't ship incandescent bulbs to California, the commie state. Our corrupt and evil dictator, Newsom, wants us dead from LEDs.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Marc Lawson to his Publication

Nothing is as it SEEMS.
Just like the jab, there was a good reason he didn't say, "Do not take it." This is a war. You cannot let your enemy know your move or strategy. We were all supposed to die from that jab - why do you suppose we weren't all genocided? It's the same with Israel - the fake Jews run the world. Right now, politically, it's about Israel or Palestine. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But really, it's just a show for the sleepers. The American people need to see we were taken over a long time ago. Trump is in strategy mode - don't look on the surface and the obvious. Read between the lines - war tactic.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response OGAnon K3nob1 to his Publication

Wow, beautiful organic voice - no editing bay necessary. Real talent.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication

She is a dude. She was still having surgeries in 2020 and posting about them.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Phantom Virus2020 to her Publication

Hell is off planet. Wait, is it though? hard to know at this point 🤷‍♀️

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response F B Jones to her Publication

We have the traffic daily, as we are on the flight path between MiraMar and Pendleton (and PtLoma/Coronado), but that night it was constant and circling for over an hour - concentrated and not the usual traffic for games or just travel. There's been many craft off the coast since 2017 - back and forth, & a carrier consistently sits off our coast. Many heli's to and from. But this was different.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Miss. Messina to her Publication

Sorry, just saw you question. About 20 min. south, directly overhead and out to sea.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Ken Ziegenfus to his Publication

Roger that!

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

Praying for this, as well. Profound, beyond pale.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response THE REAL SANTINO to his Publication

Looks like a free energy antenna like the Tartaria buildings had.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

Got this email today:

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response LIBERTY JUSTICE4ALL to her Publication

Genghis Khan
You are witnessing the biggest False Flag and Psyop committed on the world by Israel in real time since 9/11.

Take note of all the major “influencers” and politicians pushing this.

They have all been activated by Israel and were assets serving them the whole time.

This is where they all drop their facades and reveal themselves.

Take note.
Israel is no friend of America.

It’s goal is to relocate to the Ukraine.
That’s why 180 billion got sent there.

To prepare it for the Jews arrival.

The Holy Lands will by scorched once they go.

Watch and see.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response F B Jones to her Publication

You are witnessing the biggest False Flag and Psyop committed on the world by Israel in real time since 9/11.

Take note of all the major “influencers” and politicians pushing this.

They have all been activated by Israel and were assets serving them the whole time.

This is where they all drop their facades and reveal themselves.

Take note.
Israel is no friend of America.

It’s goal is to relocate to the Ukraine.
That’s why 180 billion got sent there.

To prepare it for the Jews arrival.

The Holy Lands will by scorched once they go.

Watch and see.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Ive seen this so many times but just saw the ones arresting her were all wearing gloves. Hadn;t noticed that before.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Evangelina to her Publication

I'm Christian but absolutely know God's "chosen ones" were deceived from the get-go and infiltrated to no longer be pure blood Jews. Now Khazarian's. Sad. Wish more would wake up to this reality. Brainwashed.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response F B Jones to her Publication

* Referring to the one we're in right now 😉

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

OMG I love this movie!

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response mars 1776 to his Publication

AND Trump is in California today!

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response LanieLou _MAGADonian to her Publication

I heard that same story.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication

Rule - not a law
Policy - not a law
Demand - not a law

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

This is just way to convenient to now have a fed say it was Dahmer - they have tried to pin this on many since '81. His father is involved -Adam was either a sacrifice, sold into trafficking and/or is Ron DeSantis.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Trump Girl to her Publication

Weird, I was seeing it yesterday 117, 1:17, 11 7, 711, and now.

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Cheri Lee KS to her Publication


American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Ask Yourself to her Publication

Thank you!

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response F B Jones to her Publication

I really need to pay attention to typos- oops!

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I hear you hit I still think the first aren’t that will shock the world will be Floyd. The world was affected by that, riots began in every country. Just my opinion

American Girl & Lifetime Patriot. God ALWAYS Wins! Truth seeker and teller. Always think for yourself! Stand for the children!

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

Nestle is a horrific company. I learned in a college course back in '08 the monsters they are. They would steal people (3rd world countries) from their homes to work for them to burn down rainforests - keeping them in cages. So much more.