Digital Warrior who took the Oath! Thriving in Free Florida Sending Love, Joy & Blessings from our Dad... To ALL on Earth & ALL Above
More of Hunter’s Text Messages LEAK … HOLY S*** This Is HUGE! -
He literally HATES Jill; Probably remembers
she helped sacrifice his mother & sis..,
heard she rear ended the station wagon
sending it into the intersection.
More of Hunter’s Text Messages LEAK … HOLY S*** This Is HUGE! – The Beltway Report
A new revelation from the infamous Hunter Biden laptop reveals Hunter’s deep hatred of Jill Biden. He criticized her teaching skills and called her a “Vindictive Moron” and an “Entitled C*nt” in Texts. She should sue him for definition of character. Hunter said in 2018: “And you do know the drunkest..
https://thebeltwayreport.com/2023/09/hunters-text-messages-leak-what-he-said-about-the-1st-lady-omg-he-went-there/I heard that same story.