Ezekiel 2_1
8 hours ago

Ezekiel 2_1

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God told us to stand up and we finally are

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response willow ... to his Publication

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response Red 55S to her Publication

Imagine being so brainwashed that instead of being happy about the elimination of truly wasteful spending, you attack the person who uncovers it.

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response John Hewitt to his Publication


God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

I could find Trumps recent post on OBAMAGATE!

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response Rich Webster to his Publication

Do you still have your penis

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response reaper myer to his Publication

That was awesome

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response Ice Kates to her Publication

A few years ago I put out my scraps for juicing everyday. My hives loved it. Later that fall when I contacted my my buddy to spin the honey he said everyone lost their hives because it was a low pollen year. I got about 150 lbs of honey out of my two hives.

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

I walked through DIA last month. All the murals are down. I did see the gargoyle in the suitcase. In 2019, there was a giant chemtrail X above Bluecipher. I think the white hats took control of DIA then.

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response Ken Ziegenfus to his Publication

Pence long gone. Remember they turned his plane around like 5 4th of Julys ago when he was trying to fee and the flight call sign changed to SAM 239😊
This to

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response Pissed Patriot to his Publication

Body double

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response --- Shuaye to her Publication

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response Laura -VS to her Publication

Body double

God told us to stand up and we finally are

In response Michele hoffman to her Publication