Ellen Nordlof
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Isn't John Galt also the name of the bald bodyguard who walked beside the Trump family down Pennsylvania Avenue on Inauguration Day? The same bald guy that people have sworn is JFK Jr under a mask? Two John Galts with connections to JFK Jr?

I don't think there is any way he will be given a substantial job by Trump. Bernie 2.0 if you ask me!

And why aren't they including the third candidate? The Independent candidate, Robert F. Kennedy? Hello?

On this day especially, I believe with all my heart that he is alive. I feel it in my bones. My personal tradition is to listen to William (Bill) Cooper's Hour of the Time show that he did regarding the plane crash. While I don't believe his conclusion (that John Jr was murdered), I absolutely love the analysis. The comparison between Todd Burgun's voice and the voice of Joe M (Q - The Plan to Save the World) is PRICELESS!!!! They are identical!!!!!

1. Yes it's complex but that's what they do- masters of deception- it goes much deeper than we think. 2. Media Scrutiny? Media has always been corrupt. JFK's own warnings in his speeches. 3. Forensic evidence? FAKED!!!!! Why were "their ashes" dumped at sea?? 4. No imminent threat? REally? How about the successful attempt on his father? 5. Family Legacy. Isn't saving his own life a compelling enough reason? Clearly the AI is corrupt. DS invention. Let's go back to the 1960s before computers existed.

I think it's very strange that these publications are harping on the reputation of two people (however famous) that are presumed dead by the media/mainstream world. Why are they wasting their time with this instead of focusing on something more current? There has to be something to it. They are planting info.

Sorry you have to deal with this, Patriot Sam! You have my support. :-)

Honestly how can he say anything but that? Under no circumstances could he say it wasn't them, they found nothing, they were crash dummies. Especially being in the military. Aren't they sworn to secrecy in a matter such as this?
We've learned that many actors/actresses have had to pay for their fame with "favors". So it's a distinct possibility that this is also done in the political realm; in fact, we KNOW it is done. So what if this guy was recognized for his political aspirations and then "someone" says "just do us this one favor". It's not out of the realm of possibilities at all.
I don't believe what he said in this recording - not at all !!!!!

Thank you for posting about this. I agree 100%. She's a DEFINITE "NO" for me and I don't care who is hiring her. Won't get my vote!

I wonder if DJT has read "The Real Anthony Fauci". It is an exhaustive work that is extremely well-documented research. There is no way I would ever say that RFK's views on vaccines are fake... no way! He stands on OUR side. As much as I love DJT, I can say that I never agreed with his handling of C-19. The truth in this matter is told by RFK!

If he's working with President Trump, that would be something! The music from "The Sting" keeps circulating in my head :-)

I agree so much about it being a really bizarre choice. A man of that intelligence and commitment to the American people choosing this person? Very strange. I wonder if the day will come when we understand WHY.

Also Tillamook Medium White Cheddar, Sharp White, Vintage Extra Sharp White, 3-year Aged Vintage Extra Sharp White and Smoked Vintage Extra Sharp White are all made with animal rennet. All good.

For anyone who has Wegman's nearby, if you go to their site and look at their hard cheeses and on each one, click on "Ingredients", they do list the type of rennet/enzymes in the cheese. I found these on their site, which are made with animal rennet: Wegman's Medium Le Gruyere Swiss Cheese Quarter, Wegman's 18 month Medium Gouda, Beemster Premium Goat Gouda, Beemster Smoked Gouda.

I'll second that f*ck as well! And the internet is so frickin geared toward vegetarian, so when you try to find cheese made with animal rennet, it's not possible, because the Deep State has made it "cool" to look for vegetarian. Civilization is slowly making a full pivot to local farms and this is yet another example. Ask local farms what rennet is used in their cheese because you sure as heck won't find the correct labelling on store-bought cheese.

I wish they could have been adults together. Maybe they were, who knows?

SomethingAboutJohn, thank you so much for all the beautiful photos you have posted over the past week. I love them!

I agree. It doesn't seem like the right time, with the DS rampant and everything so twisted, so upside down. Hope never dies though! I believe with every ounce of my being, that JFK Jr LIVES!

I checked YT and Rumble, can't find a channel. Anyone know what platform he is on?

Well, the normies would, under one or more of the following conditions: 1) if some crook from NIAID said to eat it (because of his stature, of course); 2) if mainstream doctors said it was fine to eat; 3) the most hilarious one - if everyone else was eating it.

It's so true! There is a book on it by Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra, called The Great Cholesterol Myth. Says exactly the same thing, and explains what IS the cause of heart disease. It's an eye-opener and life changer! The best book I've ever read.

I was age 8. Brought a friend home from school to play. Instead of playing we were glued to the TV, everyone crying

We drove by there today, in honor of the 60th anniversary of JFK's visit to Wexford. The trees obscure the house from Atoka Road right now but in a couple of weeks it will be clearly visible. We checked Hatcher's Mill Road again today - still marked "Private Road"... so the only place Wexford is visible is from Atoka Road, in the winter.

I don't see it as confirmation either. If one can believe the article, and that's a huge "IF", then it's still up for interpretation. It seems as if Hung Cao retrieved the PLANE. So did he even see "bodies" or were they removed earlier and most importantly, did anyone actually see them? I don't believe he is dead, there is just no way and it's a PSYOP if you ask me!!

Great that she was refused entry the second time. So much corruption over there. Patriot independent reports, two of them that I know of, are getting death threats and being followed at all hours of the day.

Father in Heaven, please watch over Luis and heal him quickly. Please may his injury not require surgery, but let him be healed by natural means and good physical therapy. I pray that Luis finds the best people who can help him. In Jesus name, AMEN!

Thanks for the follow and all of the great memes! Your stuff is fantastic!

I absolutely believe he is ALIVE. No doubt, 100% firm in this belief. NOT a psyop. They would like us to believe that, though!