Deleted Account
7 months ago

Deleted Account

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In response Deleted Account to his Publication

who also JUST happen to have a tourism campaign launch in less than 24 hours after the announcement of the mandates being dropped... We say#BoycottAustralia

And now, this...

There are NO coincidences...

And IF ANY politicians, hospitals, alphabet health agencies, and businesses that pushed this pathetic and totally asinine plot with a lab-generated bug labeled as a virus as well as solutions filled with graphene oxide and nanotechnology as a vaccine believe they are onto their next project....


Grand Jury is already under way for the Nuremberg 2.0 trials

And we also have this from the company that wanted 55 years to disclose their research and ingredients to their vaccines…

Pfizer has withdrawn its application to the FDA for authorization on Covid vaccinations for kids under 5, due to not "enough data."

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Their website...

The foundation of all this has been underway for a yearm gheaded up by Reiner Fuuellmich - a German lawyer who has taken on conglomorates with a very impressive winning record. Where is this being held? Nuremberg Germany...

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

"Protecting Powers," namely, the Global Military Alliance. See id.

Beth Ann Wright, JD, OTR/L

Can you get this message out ?

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

The Truckers and other members of the public are "Protected Persons" under Article 30, and have the "absolute right" to "protest" inter alia and receive "material relief" from "any organization that might assist them." Moreover, the Canadian police force has an affirmative duty such that the "Detaining or Occupying Powers [the Canadian police force] shall facilitate as much as possible visits to protected persons by the representatives of other organizations whose object is to give spiritual aid or material relief to such persons" inter alia. Id.

Therefore, the Canadian police officers are committing War Crimes against Protected Persons under the Geneva Convention 4, Article 30, Paragraph 1, 1. Principle by seizing fuel from Protected Persons. The Canadian police are advised to immediately Cease and Desist such War Crimes. The Protected Persons are advised to remain peaceful; record the names and images of anyone potentially committing War Crimes; and, request assistance from "Prote

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

Substack's response was on the mark - stick with the First Amendment as well as good character. You can't sharpen a knife on a sponge - you can't exercise Liberty via censorship. You read their response here:

In response Deleted Account to his Publication
In response Deleted Account to his Publication

VAERS database
- Covid Science Library
- Doctors talk about VAERS

Data source
- All data are from VAERS, a public database of over 700,000 adverse event reports for Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen-Covid 19 vaccines in the United States. Our intent is to present the VAERS data in an accessible and unbiased form that can be easily reviewed using the following links
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
- Video Tutorial 1: Extracting erroneous batch data from VAERS - deaths, disabilities, hospitalizations.

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

Check your batch code (batch number)
- Moderna batch codes
- Pfizer batch codes
- Janssen batch codes
- Moderna (outside the USA)
- Pfizer (outside the USA)
- Janssen (outside USA)

Latest info on boosters
- Bad batches of the month

Variation in toxicity
- Cumulative toxicity over time PDF
- VIDEO : Variation of toxicity between batches
- Death by lottery PDF
- VIDEO : Non-GMP batches associated with death and disability.
- VIDEO : Team Enigma - Variability of Covid Vax
- VIDEO : VAERS reveals super toxic batches.

Do batch codes code for toxicity?
- Moderna's 20A-21A toxicity classification for Covid vaccines PDF
- Moderna: Alphabetical labeling of various toxicities PDF
- Pfizer: Alphabetical labeling of various toxicities PDF
- VIDEO: Do Pfizer batch numbers code for toxicity part 1?
- VIDEO: Coding Pfizer batch numbers for toxicity part 2?
- VIDEO: Do Moderna batch numbers code for toxicity?

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

We are trained throughout life to be calendar and clock regulated - that is for the secular world and secular works. When it comes to our faith, we have to SHIFT from calendar and clock regulation to bearing His witness - period.

For what He went through not only for the 3 years of his ministry but for the 3 days He overcame the gates of Hades and now owns the keys of which, it has to bring Him pure joy to see all those that are bearing His witness.

This is something only we can bring to Him and that He can not create for Himself.

Takes practice but He is there waiting for you... 😊

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

Fauci claimed he had called Marshall a 'moron' because he didn't know government employees' financial disclosures were public, but the Kansas Republican has claimed that the infectious disease expert's records have not been made public since the start of the pandemic. has filed a FOIA request for Fauci's more recent financial disclosures.

Conservative group Judicial Watch has filed suit after the National Institutes of Health, which falls under Health and Human services, failed to respond to three FOIA requests from January to September 2021 for Fauci's employment contracts, daily calendars, confidentiality agreements, recent financial disclosures and a list of royalties paid.

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

ICYMI - Dr. Zelenko trated President Trump when he tested positive - the above is a slight modification from Trump's as HCQ is not always available. HCQ has been around for 60+ years treating the people of Africa for malaria, been removed from the market in many countries so as to not have alternative options available, as that is one of the stiipulations of the Emergency Use Agreement with the FDA SMH.

In response Flicka Boo to her Publication

Ivermectin 1 6 to 12 mg pill a day for up to 7 days... MOST people recover within 3...

Dr Zelenko's Protocol helps a LOT as well - all of it readily available in your drug or natrual food stres...

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

In 2 years time, America's Frontline Doctors is now nation wide in every State and are forming medical agencies and plans that follow their stance for medical freedom. In other words, they dropped the hospitals and plans they used to belong to (which meant they had to follow the NIH protocols) and are reforming independents as we had before Obamacare destroyed everything. This couldn't be done before as way too many doctors took an early retirement as well as enrollments to medical school dropped drastically when Obamacare was looking like a certainty.

Will there be accountability coming? Will Trump be in the Oval Office once again? That accountability will be at the national level - the States (We the People) will have to determine what happens at their level unless the person(s) did something at the Federal level that justifies including them on the national roundup.

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

January thru March is the most sluggish in all sales every year meaning inflation will become VERY painful during this time in 2022.

A listing of 10 economic indicators to follow:

Use an email alert app to keep you notified,

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

Lastly, if you are familiar with Corey's Digs then you already know of her high level of integrity with her posts. She provides an excellent start to building a library of links that can be used for research and reference, you can find her recommendations here (it won't make you another Corey, that's up to you 😊 ):

Be sure to add your preferred free and/or paid online sites for referencing and researching in the comments. This will be pinned in this group for easier referencing... Feel free to share the listings but be sure to remove any member names.


In response Deleted Account to his Publication

Of course, the paid online Pedias are already ahead of the game, however, you don't have to go the paid route. We believe, for now, the free online Pedias are going to suffer in integrity through both the tactics being used by Wikipedia (self-censoring based on biased reasonings) as well as infiltration by hacks (misinformation campaigns to control the narrative and/or destroy the reputation of the Pedia).

Here's a link that provides some viable alternatives - do know the rankings are based upon the up and down votes of the site's members (such as us)...

Also, here is another site that offers a fairly comprehensive listing by category - you may want to bookmark this for future use..

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

We wish all our visitors, followers, members, and their family and friends a very safe, blessed, and joyous Thanksgiving.

In response Deleted Account to his Publication

Reaching out is a ministry in and of itself, we see this every day with@CodeOfVets (twr) and their relentless mission to bring hope to veterans who feel like they are at the end of their road and have turned to them or someone has made them aware of a veteran needing help.

Be sure to give both a follow,@CodeofVets as well as ( - they are just getting started so be sure to revisit often...

Premier with the interview...

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 (8255=TALK)

ICYMI - the real number of COVID death numbers of 780,097 being shared by MSM, CDC, WHO, WEF, and NIH are overinflated by 94%, something CDC admitted earlier in 2021 and of which no one ever offered a correction to the numbers. That would place the REAL number of COVID deaths near 46.800


In response Deleted Account to his Publication

We are now at a crossroads worldwide. The time is upon us to decide if we are going to allow this type of medical fascism to persist, and impact upon the futures of our children. Or if we are finally going to say no to tyrannical government policy.


In response Deleted Account to his Publication

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full-length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”

Another revelation in the document is the admission by the FDA that test results are “pooled” together to produce numbers that are inaccurate. The FDA is quite literally manufacturing data to support a false narrative.