Cynthia Stacap
@CynthiaS747Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
I will NOT be voting for Heels Up Harris

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
Speaker of the Outhouse🤣🤣🤣

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
This was touching, made me teary-eyed. Thanks for posting.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
Yes, not our queen.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
This young hockey Captain that died yesterday had the jersey#17.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
100% Nana!

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
The toilet seat is not gold plated, cannot be President Trumps' toilet.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
Nana, I would like to help/contribute.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
Just to note, I did not add the smile emoji, my screen locked up when this published.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
😀🙏🙏I live in NY state that requires it for school. Both of my kids boy and girl received the first dose before 7th grade. At that time I did not trust big pharm, I only had my kids receive the required ones for school, no flu and no gardasil. Then when covid happened, we refused that one but had a looming concern over the 2nd meningitis dose required before grade 12. We prayed, researched, we prayed some more, we considered moving, we considered homeschooling. We asked the doctor to sign exemption, he refused, we switched doctors offices. We did not think we had a legal leg to stand on since we allowed the first dose and they experienced no symptoms. My 16 year old son did his own research and decided to get the 2nd required meningitis shot to finish school, he did not want to homeschool or move. He asked the doctors office to see the vile and then remove air bubbles before administering. He drinks Stay Well (Bigelow) tea with fennel/licorice everyday with local honey. Prayers 🙏

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
MSG is ingredient in some vaccines...

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
Pediatricians who are administering the flu shot at the same time as required school booster shots in the name of "convenience" and do not volunteer that studies show children were getting brain damage as a result because it wasn't "conclusive".

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
I agree and pray for the children🙏

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
So heartbreaking😥

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
This is disturbing yet not surprising. They changed the name to "us" perhaps referring to the non-human type. Anyone who considers eating another person is a soulless monster.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
Sounds like antifa and blm. Mind control. Now, people I thought I knew are taking the covid vax and are spouting the same virtue signaling phrases as everyone else "I'm doing my part". They never did so in the past. Makes me wonder.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
I have never had a photograph of myself, whether done professionally or not, capture my true personality. I also know people that are very photogenic yet are among the most wicked, selfie addicted, attention seeking, narcissists. I see profile photos as fake and biased, just like facebook. Sorry, guess I had that on my mind for some time, giving a different perspective.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
They desensitized and indoctrinated youth just as Hollywood & music industry desensitized immorality in their films and music.

Seeking truth and opinions from non-pc, non-virtue signaling, free-thinking, whitty humans.
This site looks interesting. I'll check it out. Thanks!