Christina Maga
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President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Ok, will do. So exciting. Thanks!! ✨

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I feel ya! We are the "crazy extremists" send it! 🎯

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Ordered 👍

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I just wish I had been listened to, 30 yrs ago. 😩

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Yep. Very woke, we are not stupid. ✊

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
The sharks are hungry!!! Imagine putting them in jails, with the other prisoners. 😡

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Pretty sure God sent it.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Ya, you know he has a Twin right? 🙄

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
It's also in the water, hormonal drugs dumped. moloch followers, who happens to demand transgenderism & sacrifices.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Yes, I understand. I had a dream that they were in the sky, looking down at us. I knew there was some weird stuff going on, even as a little girl. Dr. Kautz is very smart. I won't go too deep. 👍

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Holy smokes! Like alien monsters. God help us all.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Me too. Thanks for sharing. 👍

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
We are so Grateful! Keeping us informed and sharing knowledge is key. I sometimes say I'm done and I take a break and return. 🙏👍

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I so understand. I have to take breaks to keep busy and when it comes to work, I go into "fairyland mode" I dislike that the people are hurting so much. I stick close to God and Pray often. I think this all ends, when Jesus returns. He's coming for his bride. Or we go to him earlier. I take baths and sit outside often.
I've been watching people take vacations, and have wedding's, during these Biblical times, and I doubt I could do that. I do think I will drive my kids up to the mountain, relax with nature and have some lunch.
5 kids, wow! God bless. Now that my kids are teenagers, I wish I had more. I haven't even held a baby in so long. I just love kids so much. Hang in there. Great chatting with you. I will send you a prayer. 🙏✨💪

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I know some things, but no one ever believes me. So what I would say to you and others, is the movie is coming. Everyone will know, that's if we make it through revelation. There will be a lot of death, suffering and people trying to survive. Pray to God, and talk to people about revelation. I'm seriously done with trying to tell people, they've had it with me, and get fearful and ignore me. I'm done trying to help them to see. Banned of twatter, kicked off FB> made a second account, to be ignored. I'm just telling people to prepare, relax and pray. I'm so done. End of times, unless we survive. 1/3 gone, the ones who do survive will just be waiting on Jesus in the clouds and don't fall for the fake Jesus in the clouds. Tune in. God Bless. 🙏

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I had it all wrong. I understand now and of course I dislike it. I'm either going to die from the Hoover Damn or the damn meteor. Now, I'm trying to decide if I tell my family or not. Plus all the people, and I will not be able to help them. So now, I live in constant anxiety. I will put my big girl panties on, and prepare. Since no one ever believes me (milk carton kids, woke for 25 yrs) I'm going to get shut down. I do wonder how many more lifetimes, am I going to have to deal with trauma. 😭

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I wish I could leave Vegas and go home to Kansas, but my family thinks I'm too crazy. Now, I'm upset.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Where did this beauty happen?

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Will there be XRP on Planet X? ✨

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
I had a dream, that they were all looking down from the sky and the sky was covered in them. This was last yr. Plus a few dreams about them, I also heard something "freaky" speak outside my bedroom window one night, my dogs didn't even bark. We were frozen in listening. I couldn't make any of the words out. I have crosses in my house, and I wrap it in the white light. I have crosses at all my entry ways. Also, I save this pic. from last years Cali. fires.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
Yes, I understand it's on the way..... give the people the 4th of July, then truth, which equals freedom. 👍💪

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.
😻LOVE!!!! I do it all the time too. 😻

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.

President Trump supporter, Christian, Mom, Patriot, Save the Children, MAGA, Animal lover. Where we go one, we go ALL.