Chelle Belle
@ChelleBelle1Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Does that mean we're closing the southern border?

No offense, but their heads look funny.

Exactly! They study 1 semester of nutrition and 10Xs that in pharmaceuticals. Not to mention they get sizable kickbacks. There are good, great doctors, though Obama Care forced many into retirement, and they're getting shut down. Have you looked into Covid protocols? It's completely insane. Everything is diagnosed as C19, due to the BS PCR test, and then protocol takes over the patient's care. Basically it's no care then vent. So many, so so many docs and nurses just turn a blind eye.

Man, if I knew that's all it took! I've got a five pound bag of baking soda! So many uses! 😁

That would totally shock them, especially when they learn that most autism is vaccine induced. They immediately started with bastardizing the numbers for covid. I still can't understand how people can't see it.

Have you noticed that they never mention how many people have been diagnosed /hospitalized with c19 and have died as a side effect? Maybe it's just me, but that seems pretty important.

If I was having all her same issues after the vax, I would definitely say DON'T TAKE THE VAX! She KNOWS it's a reaction to the vax, she knows it and yet she is reluctant, for whatever reason, to call a spade a spade. My heart brakes for these people.

Screw the impeachment, lock him up.

The military is the only way.

I feel like I've been awake since the 90's with Clinton and all his scripted press conferences and all the PC nonsense. I couldn't believe people were so stupid as to vote him in a second term. (The press was bad then too, that's why we loved Rush!) But I had no clue the extent of the corruption. I fear it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. It sure feels like we're at a tipping point. I can't wait for the exposure of all these freaks. God bless Q.

CNN only reaches about 10 people. His silence speaks louder. What a chump.

Military Tribunals. These are enemies and need to be treated as such. Offer them last rights and then dispose of them.

Hmmm? They could have written that this year, but that would mess up their "narrative". The left is insane.

The indictments are coming!

Another thing to keep in mind, they injected patients in nursing homes and assisted living facilities without consent. So, those numbers don't reflect people on the streets. Add in all the people who got vaxed because they were emotionally forced, ie., Unless you get vaxxed, you can't see your grandchildren.

That goes without saying!😊 was just curious what their excuse was.

What was their reason? Mine always gets taken down when I point out all Whitmer's evils.

Sean Penn is a moron and a dick. You couldn't pay me enough to even look at him let alone work for him. Delusions of grandeur.

Not to mention they're getting rid of the evidence.

I think they're using covid as a cover.

It's a sick society when we have to have this argument. Transgender people are mentally ill. "Identifying as" does not make it so.

WOW! One can always know an elitist when they demonize their opponents by accusing them of actions that they, themselves, are perpetrating

Using that same "logic", it should follow that as taxpayers having spent trillions of dollars to keep Americans alive during this "pandemic ", that we should be entitled to the same from said government. It's our money you have been spending, not yours. what a load of crap.

I always want to say Lego my Ego, like the commercial. 😊 Maybe code for Let Go?

It's a good start! Hope I live to see the day.

Probably drugs from the newly arrived Mexican drug cartels.

I don't get it.

That's the resurrection. This is not actual photos.