W_E@Dr(Hog) Butthurt
@Bighoghunter77Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
Just a grunt

That is a wise decision. TS now has all the bots that were attacking Patriots on Twitter. That is one of the main reasons Ive remained engaged there. AU is a great Patriot site. Next to Anonup, if you can tolerate thin skin people would be Gab. VeteranBrigades.com is a small social media platform for Patriots & Veterans. Telegram which youll find both Digital Marine & Myself at Cue the Marines Chat.

Yes, Ill continue to stick around AU. been told many times I needed to be here more often than I currently have been.

everyday not everydag

everyday not everydag

The last time I got suspended was supposedly for 2 days which turned into daily suspensions before getting banned from their daily suspensions. I cant tell you why 3 days. I cant tell you why I got suspended other than Im a troll hunter that has dedicated my time in cleaning up TS by exposing those who are only there to cause chaos & black pill the redpills.


As a Digital Soldier, Its our purpose to go where needed. I was on TS 2/16. Got my first TMTG BOH in June. My goal in February was to redpill. When the trolls, shills & feds(glowies) started flooding in, we found a gift that God blessed me with.

I jumped on Twitter last night looking for a liberal to engage with me. You can bait them but it looks as if tthere isnt anything that wants to take the bait.

It does no good to ask TMTG anything. They ignore email and their responses they give is very vague.

im starting early. God Bless You Brother!

Everyone that Follows@Punishdem1776, please join us on Anonup, Gab or Truth Social as we lift our Friend, Brother & Teacher up in Prayer.

Enjoy it when you can.

Nice. sorry for the delay. i just saw this

Would you rather see big mikes?

im not allowed on instafart as they have banned me from their website for being in the community. I made 1 post around march they didnt like and got banned instantly.

double duty for me

closer to some further from others

unfortunately its still up in swfl