Beth Berry
3 years ago

Beth Berry

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Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Would someone please tell me what is wrong with this site? I rarely come here because i get to the "end" of the feed in 2 minutes. WTH? SO annoying!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

I'm serious about this question and hope admin can answer. WHY/HOW can I follor 800 people and only see 6 posts, over and over and over again?? WTH I'm so over this.

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Just got kicked out of FB for sharing a link about the Illuminati and their plan from the 60's to make us wear masks and make our world communist. FUCKING ASSHOLE MF'rs!!!!!!! OMG i can't wait for that thing to be shut down and let the world know zuckerburg is dead!!! I only stay on because i have a professional page there and to share new things that i get from other sites with my friends!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Why do i see the same 8 posts over and over and over and over again??? Does the site just loop them? Super annoying when i follow almost 800 people!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Isn't there a lady on here who interprests dreams?

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Something is wrong with this site. I"m scrolling and it keeps jumping up to the beginning!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Are we supposed to pay taxes or NOT?? I figured Trump would be back long before tax day but who knows? We pay in every darn year. Would be nice to never do it again. Anyone??

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

There is zero point in listening to ANY videos out there. All they do is have a chat session about NOTHING. I couldn't care less about what happened 100 years ago, THIS YEAR IS IMPORTANT! History lessons are great but this is getting ridiculous! WE NEED ANSWERS NOW! SO many of the videos, they're just BS or Charlie Ward is like, "oh i sleep great because i'm not worried, blah blah blah and then they talk about the week. WHO CARES! Tell us SOME-THING, JUST ONE THING!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

THIS IS NOT A GAME TO NORMAL AMERICANS! They have had FOUR FUCKING YEARS to arrest people and i'm so sick of this CRAP! I'm about DONE. Congress had been captured. WTF ARE THEY WAITING FOR!! ALL OF US TO GO BROKE??

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

I'm feeling myself getting pissed off and impatient again! Happens about once a week or so it seems! WTF IS GOING ON DAMMIT!!!! WTF does it take to just tell the country what is happening and arrest those MF"rs! If they've already been arrested why not just GET ON WITH IT AND PUT TRUMP BACK IN!!?? DAMN IT! WTF today was supposed to be popcorn day. I want to say the F word over and over!! WTH!!!!!!! Does anyone know a damn thing? I'm listening to tons of videos and they don't give us anything!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Are you selling your stocks? I keep hearing something about a stock market crash. GOd i hope not!! What do you think??

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Are you all leaving your investments where they're at, or are you withdrawing them? I don't know what to do. I keep seeing things about the stock market going to crash but do we really know?

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Here is a stupid question for you guys: If Joe really isn't in control, how is everything he signs going into effect? Drug prices, illegal aliens etc...?

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

I'm listening to Juan right now. He CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION TO SAVE HIS LIFE!! Why are we in the dark? WHY???? We should be able to know they are saving children in DC, we should know why the military is there, we should know who has been arrested and exactuted. We are american adults. WHY DO WE HAVE TO BE IN THE DARK?? Even the shit heads in DC know they are arrested and/or going to gitmo so WHY CAN'T WE??? THAT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SECRET!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

IF Biden is not in control, why is he able to get out of deals Trump made like raising drug prices, firing Trump appointees stop fracking, allow illegal aliens into our country? HOW??? Listening to Juan right now and he can't answer a question to save his life. WHY does everything have to be secret? I don't think it would matter one bit if we knew who has been arrested or executed. THEY all know, so why can't we? Why are they allowed to do this fucking impeachment? Why are they allowed to keep harassing us and our president? Why do they use clones rather than just TELL US THEY"RE DEAD?

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

I just about hate to reply to a post because when i come back to the feed it's starts all over and i get to see all of the posts i already saw! :(

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

I just saw this post. IF this is true, what is the point in keeping it a secret? Why not let everyone know? Why use a clone to keep torturing us?

Breaking and Confidential

Real Nancy Pelosi was executed 2 hours ago.

The clone will play her role.

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Anyone else getting sick and tired of hearing "IT's CoMING!" How much more of this BS do we have to take? How much does our president have to take?? Why, why don't they just go in the building and arrest every damn one of them? THEY'RE EVIL. I'm SO OVER THIS SHIT!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Not even 5 minutes into the impeachment trial and I"M PISSED. God I hope they arrest them all TODAY

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

I really hope tomorrow during the "impeachment trial" that they come in and ARREST THE MFERS!!!!!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

I was on two TV shows on TLC. Honey Boo Boo and 7 Little Johnstons doing readings for the families.


Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

So if Biden is Not president, how is Catch and release back? How is anything he signed in effect? He is not president, hell he's not even human so why is anything he signs, legal or in effect? I thought this was all a game, or movie so how is any of it real????

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

If nothing happens Sunday i'm going to be fucking pissed! WTH are we supposed to believe dammit!

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

So i read today at 6PM Trump or NG was supposed to take over news channels. NOTHING

**From AnonUp Admin (2nd hand info):

"Just an FYI. There is an infrastructure war going on all day. Been rerouting traffic to keep us up and running. Something big has to be about to drop."

I guess today past 3 PM.
I also guess it's something they don't want that we talk about.”

(I was finally able to log back in - obviously)

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Has anyone got intel about Trump making the 5G towers safe?

Mom of 2 AF boys, wife of retired CMSGT, Medium, LOVE OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP!

I keep seeing people saying 14 more days, but tomorrow or sunday is the day when 10 days of darkness is over and the same days where Flynn said "done in 30".

Patriot, Smart-Alec, Brain Picker~Aries~INFJ~IRISH~ John, Carolyn, Lauren, Diana, Michael, Elvis, Robin, more! ->Trump Pointed the Bone!

I do not know when or where I saved this, but this picture moved my soul...