Belinda Kaysac
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Truth and Redemption for Humanity

Lower courts are all CORRUPT! They are being blackmailed and compromised.. our judicial system sucks!

I believe Russia one hundred time before I believe anything Ukraine does.. you have to understand one thing: they are the seat of the New World Order.. if Ukraine goes, they go!!

Sing the song from heaven.. demons HATE that!

All you have to do to get rid of the demons is to sing The Song from Heaven, you don’t even need to remember the words, just hum it and those demons run away!
Here is the song..

All these actors had to sell their souls and follow instructions of what they had to do in order to stay in.. the demands never end.. and they are all nasty.. you can’t even get out after you are in.. or else you die

Bet the Democrats will choose Moo-chelle/Mike Obama and beg him to run. She/he hates America but can be persuaded by gay husband Obama who wants his fourth term

Most of the people in Israel and around the world are not semites from the time of Jesus.. they are Khazarians

Guess there are still stupid people out there who don’t do critical thinking

CDC needs to go bye bye we have ivermectin for that.. vaccines are poison

JFK Jr will be his VP .. but this picture shows him as still being young.. well, he never died, as you all know, he’s still around behind the scenes

Not only that.. Pelosi PLANNED THE WHOLE THING of inviting people into the Capitol.. and the FBI helped her do it! She is a black witch!

I am sure that that very corrupt judge who was raving mad yesterday is going to think of something else to charge him.. that stupid judge needs to be disbarred.. he is a traitor!

It’s horrible Joe Biden, what do you expect and Obama Bin Ladin as his handler

Four years? No that’s too long..two years… people these days don’t want to work on their marriage, who said it was easy being with the same person for life

The fact that he’s not in jail because his sick father has the office of president ( that’s fake too ) says something about this country..and it’s not good. I hope it will all be redeemed.

P Diddy (/what a stupid name ) has been ousted..finally.
God knows how much damage he’s done..we see Justin Beiber and realized he’s been damaged by Diddy and all his satanic comrades, and so many more have gone thru that.. becoming famous has a price, and it’s not pretty.

I have some interesting too small to read.. info about Antartica from Arie

Trans people count is less than4% of the population yet the Deep State government is treating these mentally ill people as if they are more important than anybody else…

Trump WILL win because the majority of the country is FED UP with the RETARDED FAILING & CORRUPT DEMOCRATS and we don’t want any of them in office..not one on all levels..we don’t want the RINOS either..time to get rid of them all.

I was trying to do that on Truth Social and they suspended me.. so much for that!,

While Truth Social is starting to act like TWITTER, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK ETC… IT DOES NOT ALLOW FREE SPEECH ANYMORE.. THEY SUSPENDED ME THREE TIMES WITHIN 24 hours and I didn’t say much…

This is a ploy to get Trump out of the way so he won’t be blamed for what the Military will do after he is incarcerated ( actually, put in a safe place ) ..time tor the MILITARY TO ACT AND START ARRESTING THE MANY CULPRITS IN THE ESTABLISHMENT.

All this is nothing more than a systematic ORGANIZED and PAID FOR activity by GEORGE SOROS in several campuses throughout United States…in order to create chaos. He or his son will do the same when Trump is elected president again.. it’s him against the American People!

That is what the Chinese think of anybody in the Biden Administration..( they don’t hold the real power )