Angel of 5th Avenue
@Angelof5thAvenueNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Kim Runner is another account that I feel very grateful for. She was bringing our attention to the deeper layers of meaning in the the VK posts at least as far back as Spring 2020. This awareness would later lead to our increased attention to the gematria numbers. She is a very aptly named 123 and contributes to our collective awakening in ways that many of us are not even conscious of and in such a quiet and humble way. Bonus points for her attention to#KennedySunday

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB
There's alot of disturbing info about him which is why I've never been a fan

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB
Hidden in plain sight!

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB
📗They all wore GREEN for Prince Philip's funeral.He was so evil & in charge of programming the royals.He used the most sadistic forms of SRA on women
📗GREEN is also the most important color for the Freemasons
📗All.of the major designers & companies are releasing GREEN color products in many ads
📗They pair the colors with their symbolism
📗Is GREEN also their signal for GoTime?

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB
We have been bombarded with shades of GREEN lately and the cabal always has a reason 👇symbolism & color programming
📗Satan's color is GREEN
📗After preprogramming the public for months with blue/yellow - it's not a coincidence that when these 2 colors are combined they make GREEN
📗 Zelensky translates in Russian to GREEN
THE cabal uses this color to honor satan in March & with their agenda GREEN New Deal, GREEN living,GREEN everything, GREEN Dollars
📗 they made fools out of us for a long time, but not for long.
8 important photos

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

I intuitively know that 'we have it all' means exactly that. Anons have to sit with the knowledge (inferred, evidenced, rational) that a flood of damning, incontrovertible, and indefensible information will be released at some point. Documents, confessions, videos — no shortage of proof to destroy the old paradigm.
The waiting, however, is torture. Literal psychological torture. All kinds of professional, personal, and family relationships degrade and break. Injustices are heaped upon us. Our world becomes a game of attrition and willingness to 'hold the line' in an epic test of faith.
I dread to think how many we have lost to alcoholism, overdoses, disease, suicide, and mental breakdown. I have had my own struggles offstage, and yet I am still here. Mass awakening is the end of our nightmare of 'trial by patience'. Nothing could ever be sweeter.

The Trump Time Travel Miracle - 2022 Revisit
A complete rework of the popular Trump Time Travel series. New updated information and confirmations, new images, and new music. John Titor episode is being re-mastered. YOUTUBE LINKS Part 1: John Tit
#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

NY Attorney @JMSesq555 on X @JMSesq15 on Rumble
Sharing this article about Antarctica.
It has various images from NASA & Wikimedia (🙄) & primarily focuses on "climate change," (🙄 )
but it indicates some interesting "alleged findings."🤷♀️
It's a rather lengthy article, so I'm just including the relevant portions to spare time:
🧐 Interesting language: 👇
"By pulling back the curtain, the team could determine the structure and contours of the valley floor."
🧐"The researchers discovered a massive canyon below the Denman Glacier. This canyon extends about 11,500 feet below sea level. It is currently the lowest natural point ever discovered on land.

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB

President Trump releases a statement about his hole in one.
I immediately took notice of the numbers.
Date 03/28 =Christmas
72 = 9
181 = 10=1

Angel of 5th Avenue ⚡DJT⚡TCB⚡⚡USA ⚡TRUMP TOWER 📯⚜NYCB