2 hours ago


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In response Aristarkos ✅ WWG1WGA to his Publication

I am in that boat with you. I too have been blackballed from our book clubs and other gatherings. New chat groups without me have been created. Not sure if any lies have been spread about me. I found a new circle to join.
One of like minded individuals. I have noticed that my vax free daughter is experiencing an amazing pregnancy while her friends and spouse family members are delivering early or with troubled pregnancies.
I invited a few friends I had not seen in a while to my daughter's baby shower and did notice they aged quite a bit. Extra weight, not much... I too gained some since covid. They had jawls, wrinkled skin but also what I noticed is that they had that thin pointy nose and frail eyes look that older people get.
I know the chlorine in our tap water has increased. I can smell it. It leaves my skin incredible dehydrated. It is killing ALL my house plants and bleaching my hair.

What I am really seeing in mama and baby groups are the MASSIVE epidemics o

In response Davy Crocket to his Publication

Do not dwell on this. It will happen

The Bible tells us to dwell on what is good, pure and right because it will happen

In response Jazzy Joly to her Publication

And they go bankrupt

In response arba happihr to her Publication

YES! 100%

In response Kris Williams to her Publication

She is probably better off without allopathic treatment.
I have worked with nutritional supplementing and diet for 24 years. I have never had a client not recover from any of our 900+ illnesses.

The body has 4 systems.
Soft Tissue
Hard Tissue
5 if you count the endocannabinoid system separate.

The body complete regenerates itself every 7 years. Eat nutrient deficient foods regenerate nutrient deficient cells. Eat healthy regenerate health cells.

If you feed the system the nutrition it needs it will repair itself.

soooo, RFK is heading up our health and OZ but they do not know this? Or they know it and not telling Vance?

Something is askew.

In response Lilly May to her Publication

Look at their lifestyle, homes, cars suits. Not one is innocent of this.
Did you catch 'hearing starts February 15 at the end of the clip?

In response CM_ Patriot to her Publication

Sam Altman, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son and Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison are connected to River Side and tied to Child Hunting Parties on Lania, Larry Ellison's Island, LA and Louisiana Also organ harvesting and adrenochrome.

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

It's a slow fade
When you give your heart away
It's a slow fade
When black and white have turned to grey
And thoughts invade, choices made
A price will be paid
When you give yourself away

Slow Fade - YouTube

Provided to YouTube by Reunion RecordsSlow Fade · Casting CrownsThe Altar and The Door℗ 2007 Reunion RecordsReleased on: 2007-08-28Composer, Lyricist: Mark H...

I have asked this question for YEARS.

My best guess is everyone Trump calls out or spotlights goes down.

AND I do believe Bongino was offered something. I will have to search that out.

In response Maddy McCullough to her Publication

The Naturopathic Drs I work with suggest going organic which covers NON GMO.
I just buy from local farms where I can ask questions.
I want soil grown, under the sun. Green house is fine as long as ALL rays/frequencies from sun get through and pesticide free.
I like watered with well water.

Here are a few charts for summary of the difference

In response ol_ cowboy to his Publication

I have read Bill Coppers book. Listened to his interviews and podcast recordings. I remember listening the day JFK, Jr.'s plane went down.

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

I would like this clarity also.
The ENTIRE truth.
Where do you recommend I go for this clarity?

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

And everyone is dressed for a funeral.
Melanie dressed as a Navy officer with a blue and white stripe on her hat aka ON FIRE KEEP CLEAR

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

It will back fire.
When called to testify they must tell the truth. If not, pardon's are revoked.
Either way they are had.

In response Gayle Storm to her Publication

I was looking for it.

In response CM_ Patriot to her Publication

We are told in the bible to "dwell on what is good, pure and right"
We are told to "pray without ceasing"

I agree that 10 days of dwelling/praying without ceasing for all that is good, pure and right to bestow upon us.

The Jabez prayer.
But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 1:20).

Jabez prayed for four things:

1. That God would bless him

2. That God would enlarge his territory

3. That God’s hand might be with him

4. That God would keep him from evil

In response Gayle Storm to her Publication

Right, Canada. Canada I believe was one of the first if you are talking about massive acreage and intent of a smart city going in.

I did think that there were 10 deemed spots for US alone and not counting other countries.
10 out of 17 possibilities.

Do you remember the list of cities that were warned of heightened destruction during this time?

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

WOW! What are your thoughts about this?
Crazy... to see it so empty and to believe it truly is that empty. I normally reach out to those I know living in the news worthy areas and ask. I have no contracts in this area.
The lifelessness is sad based on historical expectation of this area but honestly... I welcome the calm.

It dose seem all starts in China and makes it way across the globe.
Do you trust all will flip that fast after the 20th preventing this?

In response Gayle Storm to her Publication

Western NC, Big Bend region of Fla, Lahaina, HI
Where else?
Three are 10, right... 10 spots for Smart Cities.

In response Freedom Fighter to her Publication


In response George Edmiston to his Publication

You took these words right out of my heart, mind and soul.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Yep. They come right up to my window, sit on my window seal and ask for food. HAHAHA.

Our Squirrels are rather tames here. They do not get in our attic or chew our wires or chase the birds off.

They always know which room of the house I am in. Freaky.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Plus hidden technologies

In response rQy Herman Kellerman to his Publication

Interesting that's the snow storm path

In response JesusIsThe SonOfGod to his Publication

I saw an interview with an Italian food manufacture. He stated that he was required to add 7 to 10 chemicals or ingredients that they did not add to ship to any other country. Only US. He said that the extra ingredients did not support the taste or texture of the food nor preserve it in any way. If he did not add it then he could not import his product into the US.

On another note. The FDA only regulates chemicals and radiation.
You find that many natural supplement are not FDA regulated. Many will not take supplements that are not FDA regulated. I will not take supplement that ARE FDA regulated. That tells me there are chemicals and/or radiation in the supplement/food.

In response Kris Williams to her Publication

So beautiful

In response The Ultra-Minotaur to his Publication

Just don't watch
Do not watch Clooney
Do not watch Stern
Do not watch Oscars

In response Casey Turnup to her Publication

Same here. We (daughter, sister and self) had no issue eating anything while in Italy and we were there for two weeks eating pasta and pastries.
No one of were sick.
Here... we can not eat anything gluten nor bottled oil of any kind.
Than sodium nitrate and nitrites are carcinogens.
Celery Powder is celery with nitrates grown inside and then dehydrated so the "nitrate/nitrite free *except for naturally occurring in celery powder" is BOGUS. Don't fall for it.

In response Ingrid Colby to her Publication

That is when we as We The People put them on notice.

Back in 2020 I was part of a telegram channel that was putting dr offices and business on notice for not serving customers without mask.
We stated our rights and then put them on verbal notice leaving them with a copy of our rights and then reported the business on this telegram channel. The admins there confirmed our event and reported them on to military who then spoke with the business giving them official notice.

We did the same reporting over website, pedo websites, selling pillows for 10K or filing cabinets for 20K and modeled after children's names.