2 years ago


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The people following the jury bus should have been arrested and made an example of what not to do according to law

In response Sunny Kitchen to her Publication

This is disgusting. Anyone who puts this out for children (minors) to see should be brought up on charges. Sick, Sick, Sick

In response JFK 2 DJT to his Publication

May God be with all who fight for this nations' freedom.
President Trump, now is the time for the sheep to become lions, and you are the Sheppard to lead the flock. God speed sir. Come back while there is something to come back to

In response Aunt Ro# to her Publication

Sadly, I think Peppermint Patty has just been insulted

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

Already had that discussion with God. Well, I was talking to him that is, and made that exact commitment that no matter where I am I will gladly go to my knees to give praise to the lord our god for at that moment we will know that his almighty plan is being fulfilled. Save the children, save this nation and in turn save the planet for God's children

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Patreon is not so patriotic after all. Check. Got it, no use for sites that want to destroy free speech. Obviously, this is one that needs to be blocked from "We The People"

In response mars 1776 to his Publication

Yup, makes perfect sense to me. Dumbshits

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

I am so sorry she died from the Health Care that she was provided.
The VAX is not a Vaccine, it is a kill shot. Covid didn't kill her, medical professionals did. Sue them and leave us alone

Sorry about the mistake. You are absolutely correct, it was the 10th.
Thanks for the clarification

In response Lady 4Trump to her Publication

Joe, send them the money directly from one of your bank accounts or maybe just give them the keys to your PEDO island just a short distance away from Epstein's. You sick piece of crap, get your grubby paws off of our money, by the way, you are FIRED, go away permanently.

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Made me ill to watch George W. Bush make his so-called patriotic speech on the 11th of September, Citing MAGA supporters as extremist willing to blow stuff up. This POS is directly responsible for the CIA, Mossad and Saudi attack on the Twin Towers as well WTC Bldg 7, The missile that hit the Pentagon and Flight 93 that supposedly crashed in a field.
Remember that day there was a notification made by Dick Cheney that 2.3 Trillion dollars were missing. Does anyone remember that? Of course not, all we remember is the devastating attack we witnessed. I have seen the evidence, and this man and his entire family needs to meet GOD, so the merciful one can dispatch justice to these traitors and murderers. The Bush family was tied to Nazi Germany and Hitler. We have been living with their lies all of our lives. "Poppy Bush" was responsible for the assassination of JFK and the drug trade coming out of Afghanistan and South America, as well as many other dirty deeds.

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

This so-called teacher needs to be dragged out of the school he is indoctrinating children in and either hanged, castrated, or both. What a total piece of dog shit this thing is. All he does is teach hate to children. God will win in the end. You can bet on it

In response STL Anon to his Publication

The sad part is that this individual is not worth the brain power to think about her uselessness and whether she is fake or real. Just a POS that needs to get flushed down the sewer, quickly

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

General Milly. What a piece of work he is. Not so patriotic after all. You should never subscribe to CRT and expect sanity. This guy was removed from his position because of his hatred for Donald Trump and his willingness to sell out the American people.
I hope you enjoy your visit to the spa, don't come back now you hear.
We demand that our leaders are capable of following the oath that they took when they signed up for the greatest military in the greatest nation in the world

In response Lady 4Trump to her Publication

I saw a memo she wrote to her staff recently. I am here to confirm that this shell of a person is totally "BAT SHIT CRAZY". The way she wrote the memo, repeating over and over and over, would make me scared to be employed by her office in Chicago. She is two steps away from losing it completely and needing a van with guys in little white coats to come put her someplace safe, away from the public

In response Tank Patriot to his Publication

I am definitely in with this group. I want my country back and will do what it takes to secure its freedom

In response Robert Combs to his Publication

This crap!! Yet Dr. Seuss has been cancelled. Oh brother, it is time to lock all of these sick people up

In response ana coelho to her Publication

I have my bright, shiny passport. It is called the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the only passport I need. For those who demand more I can only fly them and eagle.

In response Anon H@redpilledRN to his Publication

I know that I have never heard an airplane over the White House because it has a permanent TFR over it. These actors are not at The WH. No way in hell. Time for DJT to circle back

In response LQve Trump to her Publication

It is happening all over the country, I saw the biggest chem trail from horizon to horizon on Easter Sunday in Anchorage Alaska no less. No one is safe from whatever these chemicals are that these mysterious airplanes are spreading in our skies. God help us

In response Aunt Ro# to her Publication

Amen. The best prayer to start and end the day, give thanks to the Lord our God for this wonderful blessing of the earth we live in and to all Gods children reaching for the light