The sky pilots have been working hard here this morning. We have been getting this nearly every day, even on Easter in So Cal
Why is this STILL happening?

Nothing is More Precious than the Children! All Of Humanity Is Uniting To Defeat Unspeakable Evil. God Bless and Protect the QTeam.

It is happening all over the country, I saw the biggest chem trail from horizon to horizon on Easter Sunday in Anchorage Alaska no less. No one is safe from whatever these chemicals are that these mysterious airplanes are spreading in our skies. God help us

Nothing is More Precious than the Children! All Of Humanity Is Uniting To Defeat Unspeakable Evil. God Bless and Protect the QTeam.
same here, Northern CA

Please research... There are videos on this very thing... it is now IONs to help the frequency of the plant rise and ours as well It was the Bad blocking now it is helpful Don't you feel different? Think about it... Look to your soul for the answers.. You are a Beautiful soul having an earthly experience.. Ill post a video if it will let me share.. dont let the fear in at All.. They Feed on it Positive thoughts and hope and love literally destroy them

#WWG1WGA #Trump 2020 #Maga #Qanon #17 #PainComing #SaveTheChildren #deplorable #patriot #kek #The storm God Controls The Climate
I've heard this and want to believe it but....
It all seems the same to me.

#WWG1WGA #Trump 2020 #Maga #Qanon #17 #PainComing #SaveTheChildren #deplorable #patriot #kek #The storm God Controls The Climate
Someone mentioned a while back that they are editing old movies and putting the trails in the sky. I love watching old movies and have seen trails in movies as yearly as 1955!
Guess they want you to "feel" they are normal skies

Spraying here in Fl as well. I have also heard and hope of it being HCQ but at the moment I do not know who is behind the current spraying. It stopped briefly last year. Now I bless it when I see it. Hoping that it could be something to help people wake up and heal. I had a recent conversation with a scientist and a psychologist both acted completely oblivious to the chemtrails. They are extended family and I am the crazy one they tolerate and blow off.☺️

My latest viewpoint and reaction to those that ignore what is happening... Those who don't know don't know they don't know.. and Father forgive them for they do not know...

ive been noticing this too. ive seen 4 up at a time. crazy. just hoping its the good stuff! im also in so cal.

East New York has them to.. Very disappointing to see those feathery, straight cloud formations.

I'm watching the movie of a lifetime, and I'm staying until the end! 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA
Same in southeastern PA.

Here in Louisiana too...not as much as before...but it makes me so angry when I see them!! Noone here cares!!

Same here in Kansas.

Yes it's so weird. There are some theories about it: The aluminum in the sky let radars work better (?), they want toe lighten up the deep blue color to hide climate cooling: deep blue sky (?), The aluminum stops an organic proces and they spray it together with bio material that makes the GMO plants go flowering (?). Anyone> another and better suggestion? My first reaction is that I start sneezing, cause I am allergic to it.

French Cdn Patriot, Trump's & QRD's missions supporter, LightWarrior. Liberation of Humanity. Telegram, Truth Social, GAB. Dragon believer.
They want to block the LIGHT that makes people awaken. It will fail and at some point those who cannot stand the Light will go poof!

God, Trump, and country. Right leaning independent currently working towards getting our Republic back
Same here in upstate New York. Seeing these chemtrails makes my blood boil. If the military is in control why is this still happening?

I read somewhere that it is the cia.

Nevada getting annihilated...

I've heard they are spraying HCQ instead of harmful chemicals. All circumstantial till evidence though. Juan O Savin stated something similar in podcast awhile back

yes i heard HCQ as well

i doubt its HCQ. the trails tutn into clouds and sometime i can see the sprays become l radiowaves like clouds which means its heavy metals picking waves from towers.
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