Larry Dooley
1 day ago

Larry Dooley

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Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

Nothing special to note, except for our strong defense of freedom and life

It's that simple.

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

Last time I checked, us "conspiracy theorists" were up like 84-0 or some shit.

1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary

Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

Around Easter, I decided I'd had enough. "Booms in two weeks.", or " next Thursday, expect (your pick)". Before you know it, we're 7 years down the road. With all of the rotten shit a lot of us think we know, (maybe we know), here we are.
Some of the stuff I think I know, even if only half of that is real and true, we would be in a hole so deep they'd be pumping us sunlight. Still we wait. Why? Because after all of this outrage, this turmoil, the "powers that be" it's not time yet.
So, I'm curious. Is it possible that Trump is the first arrest, then the banks take a shit, the Military goes EBS Martial Law, mass arrests, gold standard etc. is in here somewhere, Military runs mandated elections, and maybe by then, these asshole colleges might collapse thereby all their foundation money is absorbed and held until they become "Higher Education Colleges" again. You know, without all the indoctrination. Columbia? Approaching 200k a year? Can anyone say IDIOTS with me?

Patriot, Disabled Veteran, Ex Firefighter. I will follow back all patriots and anons.

Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

My fellow Patriots, Happy Easter. I am grateful.

I sometimes wish I was a normie, not having a clue, sitting in my own little world, watching the TV.
I would not be aware of the missing kids, WEF, the UN bulls--t, how the government works, how it was supposed to work, and I'm pretty sure that anyone graduating from any school, at any level in the last 40 years KNOWS much of anything about our great Republic, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Constitutional Amendments, or why we have them. Not everyone, but my experience seems it's a rarity.
I would think after celebrating all the National Holidays (real and imagined), year after year, somebody would be wondering "What's this all about"). They don't. It's no wonder we are in the shape we're in.
Well, I'm not a normie, and it just sucks out loud to watch this sh-tshow continue. It's damned hard see the Congress spend time investigating various things. Can't trust the 3 letter people, any of them at the top anyway,
It's all crap

Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

Was watching REACHER season 2. Great song towards the end in a jukebox called "Beat The Machine" by Quaker City Night Hawks. I'm a 60's guy and this music would fit right in, but I noticed one thing.
The Jukebox selection was D5. Hmmmmmmm.
I keep hearing "no coincidences".
Many records, many selections, and a functioning jukebox. D5
Rock on. I'm watching.

Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

I reposted your post, sent you a reply I think.
Wanted you to know, you're the first Anon I read every morning. Why? You sir, have a keen wit, and some good posts with information that, for the most part, is useful to me. I have read some people daily, (still do), a lot have moved on to elsewhere, I can't know where. Hang in there man, I will attest that you have one follower that thinks highly of you. oh, and NO I'm not a bot, or building a statue for you. just letting you know that you have connected with me. Thanks.

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.




Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

Can somebody help me out? Item: There are national Immigration Laws. Item: Those laws are NOT being enforced. Item: For 3 plus years, Illegal Immigrants have entered the U.S. in alarming numbers by definition. Item: I believe that All of these illegals are not coming from one continuous land mass, they arrive from overseas also. Item: They are not all families looking for a better life by their own admission.
I could go on, and on.
The need for the help I requested.... who is supposed to arrest, hold, deter, under the Law? What Agency, Law Enforcement, or Court has the duty to force the Law to be upheld? Where is the due process.
I have noticed that NOBODY has stopped the incoming flow Illegal Immigrants. After more than 3 years, the traffic has increased in spite of the Law. How can this be?

Patriot, Digital soldier, Anon, Memer, Empath, WWG1WGA, MAGA,, NRA, SAVETHECHILDREN, God Wins, Trump is my President-NO DMS-

Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

I had to walk away for a bit. Happy New Year, sorry for the delay. So, I'm back, getting caught up on AU with my reading list, and it's like a soap opera. Go away, come back in twenty years and discover you missed nothing.
Yes, a bit of hyperbole. I really wish I was younger because I'd have more time for the "wait". As it is, I can see why some folks left, changed channels, looking for more. Realizing there is no more to be had right now is some hard sledding. The "for right now" thing is important.
All of this shit will unfold in it's proper time. I can't force it or go to the last chapter as in a book. I have to believe this is planned, there is a great résistance to this plan, that our people will overcome this resistance, and that a great many wrongs will be righted. With justice served, not just talked about.
SO! let the work continue, we stand by to assist.


Just a reminder.

Patriots that follow and share content(truth) are the foot soldiers.Even if you only get 4 re-posts it helps.It`s not about how big your following is ,it`s about all of as working together.

Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

From me to all of you that will see this, MERRY CHRISTMAS. We'll deal with the new year later.
If any don't care for this, too bad, Merry Christmas is all you get from this house.
It's been a hell of a ride folks, I don't mind saying, I will have to get yet another program to see who is left (joking) , seriously, I am curious about all those AU accounts that I used to read Dailey. An awful lot of people I followed unofficially, (until I made this acct) are gone from here. No goodbye's, no "I'm going here's, nothing. I have deleted not one in case they ever come around again and really hope they are well.
So, even if I haven't seen the friends I'm referring to, Merry Christmas to all of you.

Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

I have come to like and admire a great many of you on AU. I have enjoyed the ride with all of your company and look forward to seeing this thru with as many of you as I can.
Sure would be great to meet some of you I think.

Navy vet, been reading on here since it started, never registered until now. I have read and learned, you all make Anonup a very good site.

I'm not wondering anymore. Trying to make sense of this movie probably was my first mistake. Then I started to actually listen to all the bullshit timelines. The ridicule is endless, I can take it, I'm certainly no expert.
It does seem to me that something is amiss, shits getting real. Who and where has VK gone? Who knows but more importantly, he was somebody I read and trusted. There have been a few that I've read over these years even before I made this acct. A lot of them went away, different platform, pulled a VK, hell, Veronica passed (miss seeing her). could have happened...who knows. I miss those I read that I no not where they went.
It does seem to be getting serious. Articles are starting to jell. I feel that time is short for these thieves. I hope this "Colbert" shit is right, the banking news is right, this whole enchilada has to happen soon or we're out of time An awful lot needs to happen and it will take much time to sort out. I'm in. In GOD I trust.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

I don't know what it is, but we're manifesting something special. Pass it along.

(...)"Whom ever is navigating these storms and waters with us, we are aboard, and on deck, because alas~ WWG1WGA" ~R