A four minute video encouragement from me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6cyjmclz9nq6ytp/220816.MOV?dl=0
Dropbox - 220816.MOV - Simplify your life
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https://www.dropbox.com/s/6cyjmclz9nq6ytp/220816.MOV?dl=0Thanks, Martin. Great to see you on the screen instead of behind the camera! Of course, if it is a fake genocide, it will have been constructed as a way of breaking and expunging the mind-control parasite. Thus people who are being controlled will need to believe it is real. They need to believe that they have made an error of judgement which could prove fatal for themselves, their dependants or their medical clientele. There will therefore be some necessary anguish and recriminations, even if later it can be revealed to have been faked from the outset by White Hats. There is also another possible aspect. There is an argument that human population has grown too large for sustainability without exhausting certain resources, which creates friction between the haves and have-nots. Perhaps the kill shot was secretly modified to become mainly an effective control on fertility. Perhaps in future you will choose or pay to be fertile. We can of course then blame the crooks for saving humanity