A four minute video encouragement from me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6cyjmclz9nq6ytp/220816.MOV?dl=0
Dropbox - 220816.MOV - Simplify your life
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
It's interestung that i've had my own personal FLIP, where truths (even deeper truths) don't freak me out as much now..altho the last few recent were rough, but a def 0personal flip/shift has happened where i learn a truth & go "ok...lets dig a little or gonna let that sit a bit & what is it teaching me?"
WHAT has become "freaky feeling" is trying to do this fake everyday life paying bills, getting food, renewing car tags & exp license! Now, in the everyday life ...i've never felt more like a walking talking robot/cyborg/clone so to speak...where bdays, holidays, routines all feel like a trapped groundhogs day now🔥 like a hamster entertaining itself inside a caged environment on REPEAT!
The new life phase is now learning to break out of all mind control, as best we can, & learn to be our own creators of the future life we want while waiting for other to "cut the matrix cord" & join us.
so true, i dont want to be apart of any of that. frre and in nature is what i try to manifest,