TRUTH Social could really use a FOOKED button!! I was suspended from TRUTH last night after I reported several bot accounts I found on a very hateful post about President Trump… I didn’t know one could be suspended for reporting bot / fake accounts but I figured I would share it here on AnonUp so that hopefully it doesn’t happen to you too. I emailed TRUTH asking how many bot / fake accounts is okay to report daily or what is allowed? I am NOT sure what will happen but whatever is meant to BE, will BE . ❤️

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
I get the message in the attached pic below every single time I try to get on TS. I assume my VPN is causing this because I can change my VPN location and then I can get on there. It’s a pain in the butt. I also cannot follow the conversations on there. It’s too scattered for me. AU is much better. Not a bunch of arguing or shills or trolls on here….plus people don’t jump all over me for mentioning Jesus here! 🕊😊
It's not for us. They need a gathering place to vent also.