It seems that the public are being taught the Constitution by every part of it being violated.
Patriot | Father | Disinformation Researcher | God Bless America
We pulled our 6th grader out of the public school last year and started homeschooling. I was looking at the school district curriculum mapping for the 7th grade and Social Studies was focused on Globalism. So, we decided to scrap that and she will be learning the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers. What do you think?
Sounds like a great plan ! What school district if you dont mind sharing? If you dont that fine too.
Patriot | Father | Disinformation Researcher | God Bless America
Scottsdale Unified School District.
Mother, daughter, sister and wife. Live in Arizona, Canadian born. Live the USA and DJT is my President!!!
Wow, thank you. My kids are in Chandler Unified SChool District! I need to research their curriculum.