I hope you liked the small collection from yesterday evening's walk. I am seeing a pattern of wickedness in those who swallow the lie, where they are willing to steal children off those who refused to bend. It isn't just me; others I know too. We need visible truth and justice to put an end to this nightmare. Soon.
Yes! Children are my Red Line!!!!
When I see children muzzled, I can’t help but glare (which is not normal for me, I usually smile from ear to ear) at the selfish parent who is, at this point, using them for political purposes. (I feel I can tell the Lib parents from the clueless 🤪).
We Must Protect the Children in every way possible. 🙏
Me too Sister! I have glared and now and then when I am feeling extra empowered, I will say "please remove that mask from your child's face!" LET THEM BREATHE! The thing that baffles me the most....