Mama, Wife & Truther who wants to go Home to Real Space. Love my family & freedom. I am old(er) and have no patience for deception. MPL=10.
Anyone help me find work I can do at home?
I have so much pressure on me.
Hi. I work with a direct sales company that carries a bunch of brands. The founders are enlightened, pay it forward people and redid our comp plan making it so it's easier to make money from customers... as in not as much need to team build. When they saw the gas prices escalate, they acquired a one of a kind fuel additive that he used to sell before they started their own company. Besides cleaning the engine, it burns fuel cleaner so more miles per gallon. So needed right now. Also there is this young dude on FB Reels Tenny Hainsworth who posts a TON of side hustle ideas. I was floored to see how much is out there now... from transcription to proofreading to print on demand easily. Tons of ideas! If you want to watch a video about my company, just message me and I will grab it for you. I took a bit of a break because life went bananas, but now I'm on a mission to bust my Mom out of a nursing home so am motivated to help anyone get going.
How can we buy this fuel additive?! 😁.
And, thx for stepping up to help your fellow anon! ❤️
Heck at this point I got to thinking, being undercover is cozy so messaging is nice but I also know a lot of direct sales people are shady and people avoid us because of that. I'm not like that and barely even used a secret name here anyway so here's the link. I shoulda been Agent 99 though. 😅 If anyone wants to watch our company expert talk about it OR wants the video that talks about the opportunity, then message me for that. The compound used won a Nobel Prize in 1973 and this is in use in some mining companies. It's not like anything you can buy in a store and has a 60 day guarantee. With that off to take care of my leg for the night😊.
Patriot. Veteran. 😎 Queenie. Just call me Smoo. 🤗 Animal Rights = Human Rights. Proud PITBULL momma! #Godwins.
Should I buy it off the link you provided?
Now more than ever we have to hold each other up right? My husband and I came through the last recession battered to say the least so this time around we're taking those lessons to duck better and help others. That's why I love we picked up this fuel treatment as it's a pay for itself product. Diesel especially 😳 sheesh. I can send you a link that has all the tech info below the picture or if you want to watch a 24 minute video, I can message you with that. Thank you for asking. ❤️ I'm calling my rescue mission for my Mum operationhappygilmore. She fell or she would still be home.
Patriot. Veteran. 😎 Queenie. Just call me Smoo. 🤗 Animal Rights = Human Rights. Proud PITBULL momma! #Godwins.
Take your mum out and get her home to recover from the fall. I know this from sad experience. If you are in the States, medicare will cover the physical therapist and nurse to come to your house. She is at risk not being home.