The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime
Thank you farmers and ranchers for the work and dedication you do. I am truly blessed by your hard work :)
Please pray for us. We are in deep trouble! No rain, even IF we could afford fertilizer for hay, which is sky high, no rain! We have a small cow/calf operation and so far we have hung on. We have 3 round bales of hay left so that means we are at the end of our rope. Texas cattle ranchers are in crisis! Bad news for our mama cows and their babies. I am in tears. We have cared for and nurtured these mamas and now we can’t. I don’t want them going for hamburger! Please pray we start getting rain this week! 🙏 😢

Dear God, Please block the evildoers who are waging war on us and who might be causing drought and let it rain where the rain is needed. Amen.

#WWG1WGA I don't even rank as a private but I consider myself a digital fighter cuz fook evil asshats. #FamilyIsEverything #GodWins
I can only image how hard this is for you & your family! My small garden has been an absolute failure this year. Even though I have been watering regularly ($90 water bill last month! more than 3x the normal) the heat is just baking everything. We let the lawn go, it is brown & dead, we have had to water our home's foundation. The trees have dropped most of their leaves, some in the area are dead. In the beginning of the heat wave my plants were alive but not growing or fruiting, now they are barely hanging on to life. The combination of excessive heat & no rain is devastating! Hoping we get some relief & can grow something this fall.
Who knew chickens panted like doGs when they're hot?! The heat delayed their egg production as well.
We'll add you to our prayer list.

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
We heard, may or may not be true, that trees can die up to five years after a drought is over. 😢 Our garden is gone too except for okra. That stuff must be 110 degree heat and drought proof! 🤣. For your chickens, put in an overhead line of water misters on them to keep them cool. 👍🙏🕊

Discernment is critical.

Been here since 2021, Dad, 24yr Marine! Grandmother, love President Trump! May God Bless Us All, WWG1WGA! Virginia is home! Love Sewing!
I wanted to let you know about Southern States Co-Op here in beautiful Virginia. It appears Virginia has had a good hay season. Please look them up and reach out to the other farmers in this area, I believe they would be more than happy to help you and others. God Bless You!

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
Thank you but Viginia is much too far to haul hay and have it financially pencil out for us. We do appreciate your thoughtfulness and prayers.

Serving Jesus, minister of the Kingdom, pursuing the Greater Awakening, MAGA, WWG1WGA, 2nd A, Is 60 and Hab 2:14! I'LL FOLLOW BACK
We declare and see in Ps 65 that you bring ABUNDANT rain on the land. You fill the land with water and soak it luxuriously .Thank you Lord open the heavens over our farms and bring an awesome abundance of rain in Jesus mighty name! Amen.

Christian, Patriot, Anon, Musician - my song on YT "Prodigal Child by Alicia Maria"- WWG1WGA - 40+yrs cleansings & demonologist work

Yes praying for rain. we are in Texas and havent had rain since Jun 3. Hope our farmers get some soon.

Patriot, Smart-Alec, Brain Picker~Aries~INFJ~IRISH~ John, Carolyn, Lauren, Diana, Michael, Elvis, Robin, more! ->Trump Pointed the Bone!

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA

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Spiritual being having human experience. Mother. Writer/Poet. Country living. Animal Activist. Passion is Art. Avid reader. Single. GOD!!!
I am so sorry for your struggles and everyones for that matter.
Anons will pray for everyone affected by this. Let's manifest some rain!
Here is what is messed up---I've been begging anyone to cut my fields to take the feed for free to feed their cows. I chased down a farmer yesterday who was cutting the neighbors fields to take my feed.
He said it's too ripe. Duh. But if u cut it now u can take it when it's ripe.
Throwing my hands up in the air.
Last year a farmer came and cut it, sold it for $600 to the Mexicans a quarter of a mile away and promised to give me meat which I never got. Whatever.
This is just not right. The ones who have what u need cannot get it to you. Ugh.

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
Some people have bad character. I’m so sorry that happened to you. We got zero hay cuttings this year. Normally we have anywhere from 24” to 48” of rain yearly. This year, I don’t believe we have even received 3” altogether! We are down to dirt. We have to be careful where we get hay and what kind. Some hay has Johnson grass in it and during a drought it can produce a poison because it gets “stressed”. It can kill your livestock. We have horses and cattle running together so we are trying to find clean coastal bermuda hay without sticker burrs, or Johnson grass. If we bring in bales with sticker burrs they would start growing here whenever it finally starts raining. It’s tough right now. I was just thinking the other day how Texans trucked hay to Georgia and Tennessee and Alabama when they were in a bad drought a few years ago. It seems no one there is trying to reciprocate. It’s sad.

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA
I'm liking the 'let's manifest some rain' for Texans...
who else do we include?

Married to the love of my life & blessed with 2 incredible teens & a furbaby🐶✝️💗 Together we stand for God, Country & Freedom for all🇺🇲

Mom of 2 ...💙 Caleb Michael 💙 💗Riley Kathryn 💗 ... I have 2 Grandbabies 💙 Knox Bradley 💗 Kollyns Kate ❤️Patriot 4Ever❤️ Trump/JFK

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. /3 John 1:4 @LittleMsClarity on Twitter / X / WWG1WGA

Sending up more prayers. Been hearing this from my Texas ranch fruends.

Christian, Truth Seeker, Patriot, Married, 72, Texan, #WWG1WGA
I'm here in central Texas. Not only do we need rain and relief from the heat, but people's wells are running dangerously low. For several years, they have been selling our water out from underneath us, in Lee County, and sending it to San Antonio. It is a dire situation. God bless the farmers!

I'm watching the movie of a lifetime, and I'm staying until the end! 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA


🙏is powerful



Truth Seeker,Pro-Life,#Qanon,#GOD-WINS,#Trump,#TheGreatAwakening,#WWG1WGA

He will cover you with his feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4

"Have courage and be kind." I love God & all His creation, history, and holistic living. Live with purpose. Let's see what Jesus unfolds!

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
rain prayers for ya’ll, and for the animals, i promise right now

I'm an old fashioned woman, the kind with a WOMB! Army Vet, daughter, sister, mom, grandma, best friend. #WWG1WGAWW #FamilyISEverything
Prayers to you all!!!! Stay Strong.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
🙏🙏🙏We will pray for rain for the farmers and ranchers in Texas all parts of the country enduring drought.