#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
What you all think?

This one is a hard one for me. Would like to say 1, but I have a hard time thinking POTUS would be dupped by much. He is so strategic, plus he had to know it was coming - reverse engineered sort of thing.
I've always said if a bad situation arises for POTUS and he has to make a decision, what happens if he only had 10 sh*tty options available to choose from based on that bad situation? He has to pick the best of the PooPoo options...none are ideal but it is what it is.
+ what you said in the past has always stuck with me. Not sure if your opinion has changed or not.

Patriot dad of two beautiful babies. Fighting for truth and justice. Fighting for peace.
Also seems like there were placebos as well...wonder who was behind it all!

I’ ve notice people that have gotten the Jab they don’t look right🤔My hair dresser got all jabs she doesn’t look good she looks like she’s aged 20 years the owner of the hairdresser got the jabs now he has Prostate cancer, my friend I was talking to she’s been going to funerals none stop almost❗️🤦🏻♀️my other friend her elderly father got the Jab 7 days later he got a Stroke hasn’t been the same❗️🤨it’s a GENOCIDE🤨

Patriot | Father | Disinformation Researcher | God Bless America

Hate corruption and greed. Expose it all and end it
i wonder K

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
HALF of the original vaccines were placebo.............
The VACCINE SAFETY GROUP - Dell Bigtree site - announced back in 2021.............
FDA Requires Placebo Control Following ICAN Demand - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network
ICAN’S LEGAL EFFORTS WITH REGARD TO COVID-19 VACCINES The generals will tell you that wars are often won long before the battle actually begins or any shot is fired through planning, preparation, and foresight. ICAN’s tireless work over the last three years with regard to all vaccines has had a ..
not seeing entheos account at your link?

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
The Perfect Plan….I bet the military was installed in hospitals everywhere to adminsiter a special kind of injection to any P3D0s coming in for a shot

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
Wishful thinking.
Most healthcare providers are COMPLETELY ignorant of ALL OF THIS....
WILLFULLY ignorant at this stage.

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
I think this is the self-report site.
People are reporting batches that have had bad side effects.

Trump said that he would not allow any vax from outside the country in without being properly tested. Do you think he had time to do that or is it possible all vaccines under his watch were ALL placebos? I also think bad vaxes were available in some states to kill people off quicker. This was a mass genocide that was planned which failed miserably. Trump was always 5 steps ahead of them.
Angela Hart
It would be amazing if Trump actually released a placebo. That could explain why so many people didn't die under his Presidency but more died under Biden. Their goal is to
Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
All the stories you are hearing of INJURY from the jabs are REAL.
If you want to "understand science" - start with the "jab tells your body to create the spike protein"... the theory in the mRNA community is this will then tell your body to create antibody. The CDC says this.
This picture is where the ACE2 receptors are in your body. The SPIKE PROTEIN DAMAGES these receptors. Notice the ones in the heart and reproductive organs....... I don't post all the stories of death and damage because frankly it's too depressing.
Whether or not Trump understands ANY OF THIS is totally unclear.
DARPA - and other US companies having been working on mRNA tech for years.............
I understand people want hope - but I'm tired of magical thinking. This IS A WAR. THE FOG IS REAL. I HATE WAR.

Watching the grass grow is still more educational than watching MSM. Go in Peace. Proud Fiscal Conservative. ❤️my country. Prayer warrior
this placebo thing makes me have hope!!! majority of friends and family who took first shot got covid and said “screw that, i will take my chances on no more sots”
but, i have a friend who is so blue pilled there is no talking any sense to him. his first shot was a j&j. his booster 1 was pzizer and booster 2 was moderna. he is now talking about armpit pain and stomach pain and nausea. i am am so mind-sick to my stomach he has taken such a poisonous cocktail

Energetic Connection; Melchizedek; King of Righteousness.
I don't recall the Numbers Biden was quoting at the time of how many doses had been given. The simple fact of the matter after being compared to manufacturing capabilities of Pharmaceutical companies; World Wide: They would have had to have been running 24/7 for over ten years just to provide the dosages Biden was quoting as having been provided.
In short, yes there were many placebos in play.

yes! that is what i asked in an earlier post this morning! that is an awesome confirmation! i wondered because some people got sick from the vaccine and others didnt even have a sore arm! hopefully many getting more than one got at least one placebo to reduce the cummulative effect…

This would help explain why I had never really known anyone personally or even heard of anyone from anyone of someone having a side effect from the vax. I live in a "blue" state.
Most of my family got it and not one adverse side effect has come up. A couple of weeks ago was the first time I personally spoke to someone who had a heart attack after getting it.

Looking forward to The Best is yet to come. Holding the line
I have known 2 people that must have received a vaccine from a bad batch that wasn’t saline. One died from organ failure at 43 no health issues before. One had blood clots

✝️⚖️🇺🇸 🐸 God is my King, Trump is my President. I talk to animals. Mom of 5, Grandma of 15. Grafter of trees.
I know of a girl (early 30’s) who was heathy, one morning she woke up with blood clots, and died after one went to her brain.... she had told her mom she was scared of the vax, so her mom thinks she didn’t get it, but Im thinking she may have.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
There had to be placebos...at first. One, if all people died all together..it would be obvious they are killing people on purpose. TWO, they may not have had enough of them so had to put them in place. THREE, wanted to make sure blue states got non lethal doses. AS FOR TRUMP, This is a huge one for me. I understood initially him pushing them...but NOT after the reports started coming out they were killing people. THATS where he lost me. NOW if there really is a plan and he really is apart of the take down, I still say we need him to finish the job. If he is part of the evil, then he needs to hang with them. Pushing them can be part of a hanging. I dont think he is evil unless he is just so good at hating people that he shows them alot of love. BUT because he has pushed these jabs so hard...He lost me. I won't vote for him again. I will NEVER for any reason get past that. I will defend him during this war unless he really goes sideways, but I will not vote for him again.

I think it's bigger picture war - not everything will be clean, but I respect your opinion.

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
I checked the batch numbers for my parents last year. 2 shots, none in the family would listen. Not good, deteriorating rapidly.
I can only comfort, give love.

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
I remember reading this post by Entheos. I think the person came back & found out it wasn't a placebo. I'm in the same boat as PeQQy...My 4 brothers all live in blue states. 3 got it so they have dodged the bullet for now. I remember when my 1 brother proudly got the 1st shot telling him that he should not have gotten it, that it was dangerous. Don't know if he got the 2nd one. My nieces & nephews have gotten it as well, blue states again. I picked "other", thinking he knew their plan, & now has them trapped. Look at what Birx is now coming out with. She's done along with Fraudci. He (DJT) tried to get people to make an informed decision without blindly accepting what they were being told. But then, he kept pushing it, I know he got a lot of grief for that.

Yes, it appears there were placebos; was it 50%? Should have been, but they don’t play fairly. My holistic doc has been using the batch numbers for determining treatment for family snd patients affected.

2 Chronicles 7:14 14 If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray, seek my face..... #GodWins #WWG1WGA #imovershit
The one time I am selfishly happy to be in a blue state. (I threw up a little in my mouth typing that),
I'm not vaxxed but so many loved ones seemed to dodge a bullet, but not all.

Proud to call myself awake & a Patriot. Planting seeds when I can. Joined AU after the Twitter Purge of '21. Glad I did.
Makes sense there would be placebos since this has been a huge human experiment. The Deep State didn't have the time to do the normal years of experimentation on lab animals. They couldn't kill everyone who took the shot because that would be too obvious and calls to pull the shot would have been stronger, earlier, and quicker.

Wow. Amazing INFO. Passing along! 😬😳