Naughty social media tip: if a commenter is being an asshole and pridefully defends some cherished belief, don’t argue back. Repost them, and let others have at them. It’s more satisfying and less dirty that way. 😇

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Casualty of the twatter purge (7 accounts gone) WWG1WGA ❤️✝️❤️🇺🇸🙏🍊
I was blocked by a very well-followed account here (and on Twitter pre-purge) doing just that! She didn’t like that I reposted something I didn’t agree with acknowledging I was repisting because I didn’t agree. She messaged me immediately to ask why I did it. I told her I did it so others could see and add their thoughts. She then blocked me. What bothers me the most is that others just fall in line thinking this person has all the right info, but obviously she thinks that too. If one enters a discussion having to be right, one has already lost in my opinion.

There are several people on here who have no affinity for "discussing" an idea or "persuading" others to their point of view. Their first instinct is to attack. I've been blocked by several I never interacted with. Add that to the many who recently decided to tell people they are posting disinfo, and soon it will get out of hand. I worry about the ones who are so rigid about their beliefs, because we know all of us are going to be shocked about some things we learn.
Very true and well said!