My father is going for his vaccine on Monday. I have said mu piece, given him every opportunity to see evidence this is not a wise course of action.
Sad, but I have to accept his choice and let fate do its thing.
I am sorry😔I'm in the same boat so I understand. Praying for your father now & peace for you through this. You've spoken out of love&truth. Praying for God's protection for all. (Luke 23:34.) I trust God, Trump & those fighting against evil.
All my extended family has rec'd or waiting for vax. They cannot accept evidence against it/won’t acknowledge alternatives (HCQ). A theme keeps bubbling to the surface in zoom calls among 16 relatives: that we all must vax before being together😳Sad. But I don't think this is how the story will end. Psalm 27:14: Wait for the Lord; be strong & take heart.