So if a billion people at the same time discover they have poisoned themselves and sterilised their kids…
Might be a bit of an intense week, that one.
Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
It still boggles my mind that so many people would put an experimental, foreign substance with unknown ingredients into their bodies. It’s like a world-wide Jim Jones re-run. God told people not to fear. They didn’t listen. They listened to the world and not God. I’m praying they will do some soul searching and they will be healed. We have all probably done things that should have killed us but probably not out of fear. This whole plandemic exposed many facets of mind control and revealed so much about so many people.
deep down, we ALL want to trust our medical, education, financial, media organizations. it can be painful to realize they are not worth our trust. lots of confusion out there and good hearted people hoodwinked. not everyone reads the kind of info us anons read. tricky and sticky situation. love wins