I can put my heart into AU in a way I can’t on other platforms. I don’t enjoy being used to build other people’s digital empire or further their (hidden) agenda. The lack of focus on building followers is a blessed relief; not sure I can ever face doing that again after the horror of Twitter stealing my work. I have been abused so badly so many times that I now need a sanctuary like this to feel safe enough to engage emotionally. Does my mental health needed good.

NY Attorney @JMSesq555 on X @JMSesq15 on Rumble

NY Attorney @JMSesq555 on X @JMSesq15 on Rumble
Sharing some photos of Beau & Duke all comfy💞
starting from their 1st day home through present...
3 pics👇

Discernment is critical.
Serious guard doGs - love it, a good fake out team, like they're just lying around, doing nutin' ... Beautiful boys
Thank you so very much!!💖
They're really just mushy lovebugs.
However, they get wild and crazy in the pool💞
I hope you have a beautiful day filled with many blessings.
Thank you for all of your amazing posts and contributions.🙏
Just saw your 10:55 timestamp while attaching the video....5555
(seeing it 2x already today)

Beautiful! Great life for these pups. Love it!

Discernment is critical.
Timing is everything - and that is a great pool for the pups to enjoy - I'd be in there with them - LOL beautiful
Have a joyous and blessed day - so much love on AU !
Great Vibes!

NY Attorney @JMSesq555 on X @JMSesq15 on Rumble
You're so right!
Timing is everything!
It was a 5 second video too.😉
Thank you so much for the blessings & the compliment of the pool 🙏💖🙏
As soon as it gets a bit warmer, I'll be in with them. They're much better than last year in sharing "their pool." They used to try to confiscate the floats. Now they just eye up the giant noodles!🤣
I wish you a day filled with blessings of much love, peace & joy.🕊💖💫
AU is definitely full of so much love, which makes spending time here so very enjoyable. It is my favorite platform and it really does feel like home.💞
I'm on TS too and have enjoyed the information there and reunited with some amazing frens and even met some great new ones. However, I see posts that are so antagonistic from trolls and there are so many bot accounts. It's a little draining on the vibes.
I'm truly grateful for AU and everyone here because the people here spread so much love & light.
Sending love & hugs to you 🤗🥰🤗