This is a 17+ page History of the Secret Cabal that quietly rules our world from 5,000 BC to modern times. It is harsh but only part of the story.
Big things are coming to Pass. Titans will be Toppled, Mountains Moved & Entire System’s uprooted & replaced with the Triumph of Good over Evil. 2022 will be a BANNER YEAR for The Great Awakening. We live in a time of Wonder & Amazement of like the World has rarely known. NCSWIC-WWG1WGA-GOD WINS!
*Donations for Digs are greatly appreciated. Obviously I provide all of this work (very gladly) for free (and always have) because the TRUTH is all that matters to me but it is time consuming and if anyone out there is in a position to, any and all contributions would go a long way toward keeping me going and my Deep Dive’s prolific. Thank you in advance for any consideration if you are in a position to help and are so inclined.
Paypal & Venmo: pleaseemailpatrick@gmail.com
Patreon: Patreon.com/HammurabiNI4NI
*Parts 2 & 3 in comments.
I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.
WRONG. Ha means THE. Shem means NAME.
Ha: ה
Shem: שם
The Name: השם
B (or Beh) means IN.
B'Shem means IN (the) NAME.
B: ב
'Shem: בשם
Compare השם (the name)
with בשם (in the name)
This is a form of combining words. If not combined, it would be B'HaShem. A similar combining is found in Spanish: mijo for mi hijo (my son).
Hashem means “The Name” in Hebrew. When reading the Torah or praying, Jews who come across the name of God (transliterated into English as YHWH) will substitute the word Adonai. In other contexts and in casual conversation, Jews who encounter God’s name will substitute Hashem instead.
I also want to clear up the lie about what Israel means. David Icke and others tell you that it means: Is for ISIS, Ra for sun god, and El for Saturn. THIS IS IDIOTIC!
Israel ישראל means "fighter of God". Double entendre truth: Jacob wrestled with the angel of the LORD (God) but also fought God's enemies.
Patriot 🇺🇸 President Trump ❤️ God saved my life and Jesus is the way 🙏 I stand up for truth, justice and freedom #wwg1wga
yes, agreed “El” of God
because in addition to never saying the trie Name of God…HE who is MOST HOLY blessed be HIS Name Amen
we also use Elohiem when praying
see there is the “El” again
if you go back to early testement
“Rah” is Egypt…the furtherest thing that the children of israel the Israelites would want to be associated with
so whoever started the rumor about tye Rah thing was incorrect