Once you understand the fraud involved, it becomes psychologically difficult to continue to participate in the extortion schemes like local taxes and vehicle licensing. There is a "deadweight pain" to knowing. You can ignore their demands and make them come after you, pay up from your meagre resources, or fight back and force them to prove the obligation and lawfulness.
I can't wait for this whole thing to collapse. Don't care how much hardship is involved. Bring it on.
In April when I was paying our House/Property taxes I said to my husband “Even though our house is paid for do we really own it? If I don’t pay these taxes a lien will be placed on it & then foreclosure. Same with car registrations, don’t pay the tax & car can be impounded & driver gets a ticket for driving with expired registration.” To my surprise he said “ I never looked at it this way.” I’m ready to “bring it on.”. Just rip that band-aid off.