#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
Not eatin after 7pm, Not eatin till 12pm next day.
17 Hour a day Fasting.
Was 188.8 Lbs.
Now 181.7 Lbs.
Loss 7.1 Lbs in 4 days. 1700-1800Cals a day.
Way ahead of the 177.6 Lbs goal with 42 days to go.

South African born currently living on the island of Malta and i love the Lord Jesus
VK what was the level you mentioned gold could go down to.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
Looking to get some for around 1550 however timing bottoms is difficult. [They] are not happy about the Ruble being the world best performing currency of 2022. Gold made that happen. Only logical they will attack Gold.
One to hurt Russia and Two to pick up Gold cheap because they greedy fooks. Similar to what they are doing now in the crypto markets.
Hi Vincent,
I wanted to let you know that there is a guy on Twitter impersonating Whiplash347. I am not on telegram so had no way to verify that it wasn't him. After he gained my trust, he extorted me for $50K in crypto. I am beside myself and don't know who to reach out to to help. I have not blocked him in hopes that the IC3 would be in touch with me but so far nothing. Every day he send me crude messages taunting me. I have all the evidence of what occurred, screenshot of entire convo which occurred on Twitter DM and then the fake CryptoVest site that he had me transfer my crypto to with a promise that it was protected and secure. Please let me know if there is anything you can do, advise, or recommendations. My em: dkm1330@gmail.com. I hope to hear from you soon. ~Debra

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
FYI..most all accounts on Telegram are fake. Like Donald Trump, McInerney, Pompeo, Scavino etc.. Dont follow any of them unless you find a link on the real persons site or videos.

Banned on multiple platforms. Love God/Family/Country to the core. Save The Children. Lifelong Geek. Awake 25+ years. Always more to learn.
I'm not buying your story.
Just another scammer...

President Trump won by a landslide!
What reason would I possibly have to make something like this up, dodo brain?

Father, Patriot, Ret. Firefighter/EMT #WWG1WGA #XRP
Hate to break this to you, but the real whiplash is a scam artist too. Shilling shitcoins built on XLM is no different than any other scammer.

President Trump won by a landslide!
It may very well have been him. When you try to expose him you get attacked by others that don't yet realize they've been scammed. All they need to do is try to withdraw the crypto that they've transferred into one of his sites and they will soon find out it isn't going to happen. I don't understand how he's still allowed to operate on both TG & Twitter. Maybe he's a DS operative targeting Patriots?? 🤷♀️

Justice = Just Us Honored to be followed by Vincent Kennedy.
I'm sorry that happened to you. My heart pains for you. I also was direct messaged by Whiplash347. I asked Whiplash347 some questions, I knew right away it was a scam. There are about 5 or more Whiplash347 accounts. Thank goodness I told him/or it to get lost, in so many words. I pray something will come out of this for you.

That Whiplash347 reminds me of that Mr. Pool profile. Just a bunch of static. I'm curious what would persuade a logical person to give money away to an anonymous person on the internet? I have tons of inventions and ideas that need funding.

President Trump won by a landslide!
It was never meant to "give" money to him but to invest. So in short the answer is I wanted to maximize my investment returns and secure my funds during the inevitable crash. Wow, did I ever make a bad decision. Now all funds are gone! Do you have patents on your ideas/inventions? That's usually the first step. After that you can seek funding from venture capitalists that would gladly assist you. And, there's always shark tank. Good luck!

WhipLash is on Telegram ONLY and he will NEVER message you

President Trump won by a landslide!
Many people are saying that the "real WL is also a con artist running ponzi schemes and stealing other's crypto. IDK. I never want to hear his name again!

Not sure about Telegram account but The Twitter account messaged me too after a comment on one post. Tried to tell me Ledger is Deep State and that my cold wallet(NanoX) wasn't safe. He has pushed the Lobstr platform which is full of scam pump and dump crypto. They seem to introduce new ones each week! There is a slim chance being on the Stellar blockchain will pay off after the crash

President Trump won by a landslide!
He told me the same thing, that Ledger Nano X was not secure. Blah, blah, blah. He's a major pathological liar and con artist. I pray that he is caught and arrested very soon. I'm calling the police in LA today to chat with them about this. He allegedly lives there. The sad thing is that both TG & Twitter allow him to keep these schemes going. I did not even get a response from Twitter when I tried to report him. Shameful.

Ordinary American who loves her country, tears up during the National Anthem and recognizes what President Trump is doing for the world.

Ordinary American who loves her country, tears up during the National Anthem and recognizes what President Trump is doing for the world.

Patriot, Wife, Mother, Marine Mom, JAG M-I-L, Love our Military and DJT! #Godwins #wwg1wga
Sorry to say, Whiplash347 on TG defrauded many as well. Pump and dump schemes with a band of hyenas quick to pounce on anyone who questioned him. But ledgers don’t lie. He/they will get their comuppance.

President Trump won by a landslide!
Now that I know his real name and address, I will file a police report with the local police there, for starters. This guy is a heartless POS.

American patriot of Hispanic origin, prolife, Christian, proud deplorable, spouse of retired soldier served OIF/OEF, Major Trump supporter
hi, if you go to telegram and find Whiplash347 QSI exposed, this account has been tracking all the lies, fraud, scams, pump/dump scam Whiplash347 has been doing to innocent people such as yourself. unfortunately my guess it was Whiplash347 himself who defrauded you, the evidence has been overwhelming to say the least. 🙏

President Trump won by a landslide!
TY and I agree. People are quick to defend him and he's defrauding many, many Patriots, unfortunately. :(

Also, just wanted to let you know GOD saw what happened and he's on the case too.
I was playing a song a friend sent me at 3:01-3:04, (Might want to check the Q drops, might be a message in there for you),
Van Morrison - Someone Like You (Audio)
At the precise moment he said "The Best is Yet to Come", I was just seeing your name and reading your post. That to me was confirmation that GOD saw what happened and he's dealing with it too. Maybe that means he's working at GOD SPEED on this.

The report is always filed with IC3.gov online. Any updates go through that portal. They will more than likely NEVER contact you. Just submit evidence through there. They will only send you links to the portal and never ask you direct questions in e-mail either. They are getting hit with a lot of these complaints. When they see patterns of abuse, they target those cases first. Sometimes it takes 2 or more years before it's resolved and sometimes much less.
One time I received a letter in the mail that looked like JUNK mail but opened it. It was a check for 80% of my losses on one case. So make sure you open every piece of mail. They will NOT tell you it was settled or the status of the case unless that's been changed recently.
I have a contact there that I reached out to. I've forwarded your e-mail address from your post. They will be on the lookout.
I would ignore any messages from him contacting you. My e-mail is throughangelaseye@yahoo.com You are not alone.#WRWY

Info thank you Love all of you that are standing up for our country and taking it back. Bless U Save the children. The best is yet to come
Thank you for trying to help!

President Trump won by a landslide!
Thank you so much Angela! That's the worst part is feeling so foolish and alone with no where to turn. I appreciate your kind words and the email address that you sent. It's not like I fell for it right off the bat! I am very concerned about the global financial reset that's going on and he put the fear of God into me about my crypto, stock and cash not being secure. SMH. It's in God's hands but I'll do my part to get him prosecuted so he cannot harm anyone else!

Where are 800,000 missing kids? I Am the Living Witness To Shane Browning…Q
Re: Formula Shortage
It appears to be real
Is it a clean up op?
Stop & think— how incredible it is 2 believe Our food Supply is being secretly cleaned up…
Do you believe in secret arrests, Take down of Cabal & Covid was a hoax
scoff at the thought of revelations/ second coming/ new Jerusalem ?
“99% would be in mental institution”

just an FYI Whiplash is a scammer and fraud as well. So pleasw dont trust him either

I dont agree with this at all. I found him through a friend of his rhst I trust. I have been following him for a long time now. The things he recommends will not have value till later. Most expect to make money sooner. Just my two cents.

50k!? 😣 Ouch!
I'm so sorry this happened to you, I'm praying the thief is brought to justice.

Discernment is critical.
Heartbreaking, truly sorry for this situation .. I will pray for you and the best outcome possible - such a travesty!

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
Satan is so sneaky and he uses any and everyone who will believe his lies and deceit. The scammers who come on social media are like sharks in the ocean looking for something to devour. They have a smooth message much like "if you eat the fruit, you will not die". Works so many times. These buffoons are so lazy and they have only one skillset - to deceive someone out of their money. I block anyone who approaches me about finance or tries to get me to "donate". This platform is a beautiful place for truths-seekers. Unfortunately, liars come on here and ruin it for some folks.

Telegram: Contact @Whiplash347QSIExposed
Exposure, facts and research around the scam and deception of Whiplash347 and QSI / QuantumStellarInitiative - based on proof, hints, common sense and a worldwide community of awakening patriots, not longer blindly trust, it's about finding the truth
I don’t know who is running this channel but they are wrong about the real whiplash and Emily. Neither have said ir done the things this person claims. Whoever this is uses a lot of speculation and anger to make their point. Rocky signed a few of the post and Rocky has been after Whip for awhile. I have followed this stuff for several years now and this channel is just wrong.
There is so much negative in this channel and bashing that their intentions could not be good. The things that Emily and Whip teach all checks out and has been verified by many.

Whiplash347, [5/13/2022 11:33 PM]
⚠️ Don’t fall for any troll sending you a direct messages claiming to be me, be careful report and block immediately, you can get into my own DM from here or go to the group description and see my tagged account send me a Dm from there .. don’t get a scammed 📌

send me a direct message on my personal telegram inbox 📥 tap link below
t.me/patriotwhipBorn March 7Joined July 2020
is this the one

President Trump won by a landslide!
I'm not on TG but on Twitter his user name is:
Joined March 2022
Joined January 2022
Talking up "Fchain". That IS the scam!!

whats his link on telegram theres a bunch

im sorry this happened but i have so many questions as to why youd do this but i guess its not the time to ask

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Prayers hun so sorry, these creeps are everywhere.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
What did this person promise you for you to transfer money to them?
Crypto is full of scammers.

I'm a True Blue AUSSIE just here doing my part in The Great Awakening

South African born currently living on the island of Malta and i love the Lord Jesus
There are plenty of such scammers on Telegram pretending to be Whiplash or Nate etc etc. Be very careful

🇺🇸I ❤️God, Family and America🇺🇸 Been lurking and learning since 2016, first Q drop, and CBTS. 🙏 Psalm 23 🙏 #GodWins #LoveTrump
DYOR as I’m not familiar with this company, however maybe worth looking into. https://twitter.com/recover_crypto?s=21

The most sacred part of my life is in the ever-expanding circles of knowing God and myself in HIM. Not a straight shot, but an EPIC one!
Grrrrr. That person tried to engage me on dm too. Saying a prayer for you.

President Trump won by a landslide!
They need to find out who it is so we can prosecute him at the very least. He's a real punk! Also, I someone should tell the real WhipLash347 that he's being impersonated and given a bad name. The poser seems to have studies all of the real WL347's teachings cause he spouts them off like they are his own.