Just Wow! Moms who never nursed can not turn it on. This may have merit for those about to give birth who were planning to use formula and are jabbed. The nursing babies of jabbed mothers have been dying or in the least, are getting bad rashes.

I am seeing those in need of formula are told to stock up on evaporated cows milk. I would've thought that crazy but when I went to the largest grocery near me to get some to make a special request soup for a neighbor down with a sprained ankle, there was ZERO organic cream or condensed milk unsweetned- none. Tons of all other kinds.

FYI- Babies can not tolerate or digest cows milk.

They can digest Goats Milk. If need be stock up on organic Evaporated Goat Milk with Vitamin D AND get a liquid B vitamin ( high quality) and add it to it.

I am baffled this is happening in the U.S.

quote on twit-@MAGAMichellee
"The FDA is refusing to open the Abbott plant back up that produces baby formula!! Don't tell me this isn't INTENTIONAL!!

Only people mentioned by @Alcyone in this post can reply

Female Patriot, here to learn, here to find pieces to the puzzle, I've always known WE didn't have the whole story. Love & peace for a

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Dextrin malt, karo syrup and cow's milk. This was the formula my mother fed all 5 of her babies. Dextrin is derived from corn and it might just be a bit easier to digest than wheat. The karo syrup encourages the child to enjoy the formula. I am not saying it should be used in large quantities. The dextrin is a fast acting carb, if the baby will drink it without the karo syrup, the karo is not needed. The issue is not mothers who chose or can't breast feed. It's a small group of ppl who are being nasty. We have to be supportive, and by saying there is but one way to do things is really not right. Whatever works for the baby and these babies never came with instructions and they are all precious and unique. Let's find solutions if WE can. BTW amazon sells dextrin malt between $10-20 for a 2 pound package. a 1oz scoop should do the trick.

Yehoveh God is my Father, I love Family, Country, MAGA, KAG, Q AND TRUMP!!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Excuse me but babies have been living on whole cows milk for centuries. It was the formula that was bad for them. I had a premature baby and had no milk. It never came in so i had to feed her something. I used unprocessed cows milk and i also used the recipe showing up online now from the 60's. You all also need to stop bashing those that HAVE to use some kind of milk when their breast dont make any! It is one thing to do it for convenience but some of us had no choice but to find other alternatives.

In response Sherry Slape to her Publication

I think you misunderstood. Babies could survive on rice or oat milk or I don't understand your point.

If given a choice, goat's milk is easier to digest for a baby as the proteins are smaller and because it does not contain other allergens, will be better tolerated.
If given a choice, the baby is far less likely to develop COLIC or allergies. Adding B vitamins makes it the closest option to breath milk. I thought some people would appreciate that knowledge since it doesn't;t appear to be common knowledge.

I live and eat HYPER clean to optimize vitality, wellbeing, and longevity; learn from me, or ignore me.

Survive and Thrive are two different states of being.

If you live a life aiming for the common denominator you will be annoyed by me. I live life aiming for the stars, the highest, clearest cleanest vibration, potential and state of being.

These people survive on mud cookies-

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I love God, my family, and my Country! Expelled from T 1/8/2021. Thankful VK got message out about this site!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

where is the article that says babies from jabbed mothers are getting sick or dying? i remember reading that but no one believes me and now that formula is gone so are all the articles and data on this 🤔

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

perhaps the removal of baby formula was TAINTED….

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

I copied this from another site when I came across it. I was born in the 60’s I’m sure my Mom gave it to me. I wish I could ask but she oassed away a few years ago. It’s probably healthier than todays formulas!!

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

I keep sharing this on the FBI social media aka Fascistbook. I was fed this and I fed ny daughter this. I stand by it 100%. I also made my own baby food with fresh food and a blender. I also home schooled her from 8th grade on. She is nothing like her woke peers.

Red pilled since the 80's - Been waiting for this a long time! - Biblical!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

If a baby is already on formula and not breast feeding, the mother cannot just switch the boobs back on! The only breast feeding that can happen is for newborns. Bless them all. Great info in your post regarding goatsmilk and Vit D. I love the information sharing on here! 😁