Just Wow! Moms who never nursed can not turn it on. This may have merit for those about to give birth who were planning to use formula and are jabbed. The nursing babies of jabbed mothers have been dying or in the least, are getting bad rashes.
I am seeing those in need of formula are told to stock up on evaporated cows milk. I would've thought that crazy but when I went to the largest grocery near me to get some to make a special request soup for a neighbor down with a sprained ankle, there was ZERO organic cream or condensed milk unsweetned- none. Tons of all other kinds.
FYI- Babies can not tolerate or digest cows milk.
They can digest Goats Milk. If need be stock up on organic Evaporated Goat Milk with Vitamin D AND get a liquid B vitamin ( high quality) and add it to it.
I am baffled this is happening in the U.S.
quote on twit-@MAGAMichellee
"The FDA is refusing to open the Abbott plant back up that produces baby formula!! Don't tell me this isn't INTENTIONAL!!
If a baby is already on formula and not breast feeding, the mother cannot just switch the boobs back on! The only breast feeding that can happen is for newborns. Bless them all. Great info in your post regarding goatsmilk and Vit D. I love the information sharing on here! 😁