Sometimes I wonder if we're all on social media just to feed an AI system that keeps us in the "barely tolerable nightmare" level of discomfort, so that the "show not tell" can proceed at the maximum pace without destroying too many innocent (patriot) lives.

I don't know Martin. I have these same thoughts. For example what if in the end we find out it was an ai psyop just to keep us calm while the great reset proceeds? What if they are all in on it? What a rabbit hole that would be. But, I know that if our focus and intention is positive it has to be a good influence on things. I choose to believe, but I also know biblical prophecy and it only ends one way. God WIns in the end though. The only question is how long the suffering lasts.
…glad I’m not the only one.

I know, right? lol

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
I mean I see a ton happening. The mind can’t help but go there though. Inflation, gas prices, housing prices, authoritarian rule, still very much continuing here in most places. I think it wears on us all after time. My heart seriously goes out to folks that have been in this many years. Almost 3 for me and I am beginning to fade, even with Faith. 🙏