Sometimes I wonder if we're all on social media just to feed an AI system that keeps us in the "barely tolerable nightmare" level of discomfort, so that the "show not tell" can proceed at the maximum pace without destroying too many innocent (patriot) lives.
If the truth shall kill them, let them die. Always learning & growing so never the same. Merely a humble student & no master. many want a copiously instantaneously "vomited" revelation all at once but have no idea how utterly destructive it could be. I want this to end also, but not at the cost of gunfire in the streets of my local neighborhood my child plays, or the unannounced shuttering of the local supply chains leaving so many to suffer and die like the elderly for instance who cannot even protect themselves if urban violence resulted...we need to be more considerate then selfish in our demands. We are after all every one of us stewards of this earth and our local communities. This is not just about the individual, it is about mankind collectively. The logistics alone of trying to end this nightmare without utter and absolute destruction resulting during the process would break a normal mind.
What took millennia to fabricate cannot be unplugged in an instant.
All good things require time, patience, faith and careful planning.
Meticulous -