Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

Just another ‘normal’ day in the skies above AZ.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

Contrails and exhaust aka Chemtrail.

Its in the gas.

Just a guy trying to connect the dots.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

The question is what’s ‘Its’ and why is ‘It’ in the gas.

lets use logic. The size of the tanks they would need to use to spray over large areas would have to be huge. Easily noticeable by staff. Easy to snap pics. All pictures I have seen were from specialty planes designed to spray liquid or by test planes designed to transfer liquid around the cabin to simulate a shift in weight.

If you take a video you will see trails from the engines. (unless they are fuel dumping - legal btw)

If they are spraying us its in the gas.

They did add 'polymers' to jet fuel to prevent explosions due to the 'incredible' damage on 911. I want to attack this but it has saved lives since.

Then you can ask Why? Don't they breath the same air? Don't they live on the same planet? Wouldn't public water be a better delivery method if they want to target? Are they prepping the atmos for alien visitors?

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXRmcumPL3k (on the subject at hand) So what exactly is jet fuel and how much is actually consumed because we know it's spilled. (search fuel dumping)

Important info for all air travellers/jet fuel hoax - YouTube

Part 2 just released: https://youtu.be/WFlAutyo-Q8☞☞☞ Spacebusters Merch Shop ☜☜☜ https://spacebusters.creator-spring.com/Nobody owns the air. A ...

In response Axis Mundis to his Publication

Jet fuel is kerosene, Diesel, Heating oil#1 there is no real difference except for the dye they pun in for road tax. From a refining stand point it performs the same. with the exception of ultra low sulfur fuel...

In response Axis Mundis to his Publication

oh the old runs on compressed air theory.........whatever it runs on makes a giant fire if it crashes

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication
Extensive list of U.S. Patents for Weather modification, aka CHEMTRAILS.wmv - YouTube

Title speaks for itself. Posted for all the naysayers, Govt shills, Trolls but MOST OF ALL for people that want HARD DOCUMENTED PROOF POSITIVE! Our US Govt h...

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Jet Fuel is pretty peculiar and something I have not dug into yet VK. I watch airline stock like United go up while travel is down and Oil prices go up and I get suspicious there is something there to know. I know when this crap shows up about me about an hour later the skies are completely overcast here. You are right it makes no sense except if the ones doing it are not effected by it. I would also bet a rubber hose hooked to something that can produce this is not that hard and you would not need big storage tanks.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Personally, I think it's some World agreement, Green New Deal, "let's stop Global Warming" movement that is doing it to reflect sunlight and cool the planet. This would be counterproductive because the Earth has been at it's coldest temperatures in 50 million years for the past 2 million years. Only these 15,000 +/- year Interglacial Periods of thawing have given Humans enough reprieve to build such an advanced civilization. Interglacial Period means "between two glacial periods", though.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

It's really ugly though. Chemtrails are like sky graffiti, and they condense, and form lower cloud cover, and even a blue haze at a distance. Let's just call it blue sky pollution and fix whatever is causing it.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

If it's in the gas then why are there some days when the skies are totally clear of any trails?

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

You sure know a lot about planes.

Ever fly one?

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

So we get them spraying alot sometimes and by that evening its overcast and usually few days later we have bad weather. They also start out low and fly almost directly up into the atmosphere with them around here. I could have sworn I saw an article awhile back about nasa spraying particles into the atmosphere to try and block the sun.

FJB .......Trump is my President

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I have seen some very strange things that can’t be explaned i would say we have been visited by aliens for a long time .

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

jumping in... hopefully not sinking... i came across vids comparing how much fuel would be needed for a full flight and how much can actually be stored in the wings. it claimed they use the fuel for takeoff and landing, but once they reach a certain speed and/or altitude, they take advantage of a dif source to remain in the air. found it during a dark time in 2020 so specifics are blurred. anyone know?

The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Evergreen Interantional Airlines + CIA = I Can't Breathe :)

If they can spray water and fire retardant I bet they could do aersol vaccinations like Billy Gates plan... or block out the sun ... or when need to be the "good guy" they help put out wildfires.

💖We are all God’s children.💖

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

This will be controversial.
God created everything; God is our Creator. He created the human race. His Word does not speak of creating other races. Thus there are no aliens, only humans living elsewhere in the universe. They all worship the same God. Angels are not another race, they are people who followed His precepts knowingly from His Word or naturally as gentiles. Demons are people who insisted on doing evil here and hereafter.

Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️   Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Now, Q🪖✨ spraying " Omicron "
targeting Omicron Draco gene

and Something better than
what [they] sprayed.

Gene Decode Interview#7
Race-Specific Bioweapons Labs In Ukraine Putin Taking Down The Khazarian Mafia Ancient Bloodline Analysis Satanic Ritual Symbology DUMBs Update Omicron Variant: Secret Antidote :


Shine Your Light On #WORLDWIDEFREEDOM #WWG1WGA #MAGA #MEGA #XRP Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️   Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨

In response JQANNE 369 to her Publication

Adrenochrome users become violently ill
with hydroxychloroquine.🪃😎

Shine Your Light On #WORLDWIDEFREEDOM #WWG1WGA #MAGA #MEGA #XRP Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.

In response JQANNE 369 to her Publication

To continue on with this theory …

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

I believe they ARE terra- forming...🤔

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

We can't use no logic wen it comes to "them" 😂😂😂
Q said they are stupid😂😂

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

From what Nana has seen of them I dont understand what you are saying at all.
They have been here.
This is confusing to me because many of us have had contact with them already.
Please explain.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

From what Nana has seen of them I dont understand what you are saying at all.
They have been here.
This is confusing to me because many of us have had contact with them already.
Please explain.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Thank you. This topic has been on my mind a lot since its openly noticeable. i find it weird when they're sprayed the weather drastically changes. What would be 60-70 degree weather drops to 40-50 With snow/rain. Mildly annoying because I love the sunny weather.

The Great Awakening, Trump ... and Q - Photographer, Writer ... Motorcycles! Virgin Mary, Parsifal Jinpa movie, wwg1wgaworldwide ... no DM

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Vincent, this is a heated discussion among friends too. In the late 1960s I lived in the south of the Netherlands and I often lay on the grass of the football field looking at all those contrails of the airplanes. The air was full of it. Air traffic has increased enormously since then, as have the dopes that are in the fuels, for example for stabilization. This allows the contrail to linger longer in moist air, because water particles bind, among other things. to the dopes... Just my theory.

The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

You remind me of Bill Cooper's Behold A Pale Horse

Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in top secret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs.

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars

Are you giving "Death" comms? Alien comms?

Revelations = Revealing

Do I need to change gas :)

🇮🇹/🇬🇧/🇺🇸 ✝️ WWG1WGA 🌏Kindness is Free 💖✨Family is Everything✨💖

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

That last one i hadn't thought of VK Sir. (prepping for aliens)

Have wondered whether cloud seeding and whatever else is used to change weather has harmful fallout. Potentially.

Have noticed changes in some plants (eg leaves falling unseasonally).

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

These are much higher than natural clouds and how do they all get around without ads-b tracking…and cfi cant answer any of it.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Also consider how "THEY" reported that too much sunshine causes cancer - so use sunscreen, which now is reported as a cause of cancer. Sunshine is essential, Vitamin D from the sun. The chemtrails probably serve several purposes:
1. to create storms or to worsen approaching storms
2. to spread chemicals and/or microbes or nanobots on us
3. to diffuse and block out the sun which of course, is detrimental to flora and fauna (Some who still believe in a caring government argue that the trails are to protect us from the sun's 'harmful' rays.)

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Pilots and staff know what they're doing. One pilot, when questioned- how could he do this, he answered, "Well, I have to make a living, too." "THEY" find people who are willing to be silent and do harm, as long as they are paid. Not too far-fetched, if compared to Big Harma, others.

In response Every Time to her Publication

We are all selling/buying under their system.

We all have to do our best.

Thats why we are all here.

Overthrow the Matrix they are creating forn”them” to thrive in.

Let’s Do it!

In response Every Time to her Publication

We are all selling/buying under their system.

We all have to do our best.

Thats why we are all here.

Overthrow the Matrix they are creating forn”them” to thrive in.

Let’s Do it!

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Prepping...maintaining? Thinking MIRROR. Spiritual battles going on in high places.

🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

One of my theories, is that they are trying to block the green light energy from reaching the surface of the planet. Our DNA has been fragmented, and thus remained dormant through eugenics over the centuries. Eventually the DNA can realign to the Krystos blueprint, through light energy.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

(((They))) are terraforming our planet so it is suitable to them, not us.

In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication


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Truth speaking requires strength and discernment. You've lost your edge when name calling and insults enter the conversation.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Do you have a garden? Have you tried grow6ou ng one lately? The lush gardens I grew years ago are a thing of the past, it seems. Have you noticed odd burnt patterns in your lawn in the fall? Something is different.

Patriot of Earth. We ARE Freedom. WWG1WGA

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

If they were friendly, u’d have said extraterestrial right? But u said alien.
My temples are starting to ache following this trail lol - but it’s immensly interesting VK.
So Cern popped up. Because the spraying
has been going on for so long. And Cern have been going at it for ao long??